-= Host side of the pulse counter infrastructure. =
+# Host side of the pulse counter infrastructure.
pulsecounter.c is modelled after BlueZ' gatttool. Because of "strange"
design of BlueZ tools, it is not sufficient to use the library that
gets installes with it. Complete source installation is necessary.
-So, unpack, configure *and build* BlueZ source (do not `make install`).
-In this directory, run `make BLUEZ=/path/to/top/of/bluez/source`. You
-will get the `pulsecounter` binary.
+So, unpack, configure *and build* BlueZ source (`make install` is not
+necessary). In the `pulsecounter/linux` directory, run
+`make BLUEZ=/path/to/top/of/bluez/source`. You will get the
+`pulsecounter` binary.
Currently (2015-12-21) supplied database adapter uses MySQL(/MariaDB).
Confiruration file (default path `/etc/pulsecounter.db`) contains lines