getOptions: function(){
return {
onClick: $empty,
+ zIndex: 3,
+ buttonClass: 'controlButton',
+ buttons: ['prev','stop','play','next','exit','comm'],
- initialize: function(container, options){
+ initialize: function(name, parent, options){
this.setOptions(this.getOptions(), options);
- this.container = $(container);
- var buttons = ['prev','stop','play','next','exit','comm'];
- buttons.each(function(el){
+ this.parent = $(parent);
+ this.container = new Element('div').addClass(name).
+ setProperties({
+ id: name,
+ name: name,
+ }).setStyles({
+ zIndex: this.options.zIndex,
+ }).addEvent('click', function(){
+ this.options.onClick()
+ }.bind(this)).injectInside(this.parent);
+ this.options.buttons.each(function(el){
var sub = new Element('div');
- sub.addClass('controlButton').setProperties({
+ sub.addClass(this.options.buttonClass).setProperties({
id: el,
name: el,
- }).injectInside(this.container);
- this[el] = sub;
+ title: el,
+ }).addEvent('click', function(){
+ this[el]();
+ }.bind(this)).injectInside(this.container);
+ this[el+'box'] = sub;
+ this.posbox = new Element('span').
+ addClass('controlPosition').setProperties({
+ id: 'controlPosition',
+ }).injectInside(this.commbox);
+ this.refbox = new Element('a', {
+ href: 'javascript: void();',
+ html: 'title',
+ }).addClass('controlRef').setProperties({
+ id: 'controlRef',
+ }).injectInside(this.commbox);
registershow: function(show){
- alert('controls.registershow called'); = show;
- var buttons = ['prev','stop','play','next','exit'];
- buttons.each(function(el){
- var sub = new Element('div');
- sub.addEvent('click', function() {
- }.bind(;
- },this);
+ prev: function(){
+ if ( { }
+ else { alert('no method for "prev", file complaint with UN') }
+ },
+ stop: function(){
+ if ( { }
+ else { alert('no method for "stop", file complaint with UN') }
+ },
+ play: function(){
+ if ( { }
+ else { alert('no method for "play", file complaint with UN') }
+ },
+ next: function(){
+ if ( { }
+ else { alert('no method for "next", file complaint with UN') }
+ },
+ exit: function(){
+ if ( { }
+ else { alert('no method for "exit", file complaint with UN') }
+ },
+ comm: function(){
+ if ( { }
+ else { alert('no method for "comm", file complaint with UN') }
+ },
+ info: function(pos, max, ref, txt){
+ var msg = 'pos='+pos+', max='+max+', ref='+ref+', txt='+txt;
+ this.refbox.set('html',txt);
+ this.refbox.set('href',ref);
+ this.posbox.set('text',pos+' of '+max);
+ },
+ running: function(isrunning){
+ if (isrunning) {
+ this.playbox.setStyle('display', 'none');
+ this.stopbox.setStyle('display', 'block');
+ } else {
+ this.stopbox.setStyle('display', 'none');
+ this.playbox.setStyle('display', 'block');
+ }
+ },
Controls.implement(new Options);
- Slideshow
+ Use slideshow classes with the index generated by
-var showWindow = new Class({
- getOptions: function(){
- return {
- embed: [],
- zIndex: 2,
- container: document.body,
- onClick: $empty,
- }
- },
- initialize: function(name,options){
- this.setOptions(this.getOptions(), options)
- this.options.container = $(this.options.container)
- this.container = new Element('div').addClass(name).
- setProperties({
- id: name,
- name: name,
- }).setStyles({
- position: 'absolute',
- left: '0px',
- top: '0px',
- width: '100%',
- zIndex: this.options.zIndex,
- overflow: 'hidden',
- display: 'none'
- }).addEvent('click', function(){
- this.options.onClick()
- }.bind(this)).injectInside(this.options.container);
- this.embedded = []
- this.options.embed.each(function(el){
- var sub = new Element('div')
- sub.addClass(el).setProperties({
- id: el,
- name: el,
- }).injectInside(this.container)
- this.embedded.push(sub)
- },this)
- this.position()
- window.addEvent('resize', this.position.bind(this))
- window.addEvent('scroll', this.position.bind(this))
- },
- position: function(){
- if(this.options.container == document.body){
- this.h = window.getHeight()
- this.s = window.getScrollTop()
- }else{
- var myCoords = this.options.container.getCoordinates()
- this.h = myCoords.height
- this.s =
- }
- this.container.setStyles({
- top: this.s+'px',
- height: this.h+'px'
- })
- },
- show: function(){
- this.container.setStyle('display', 'block')
- },
- hide: function(){
- this.container.setStyle('display', 'none')
- }
-showWindow.implement(new Options)
var showControls = new Class({
getOptions: function(){
/* Make overlay window and start slideshow */
function showImage(id,doplay) {
- var i=rimgs[id]
- /* alert('show id='+id+' index='+i+' doplay='+doplay) */
- if (!doplay) {
- show.stop()
- }
- return false
+ var i=rimgs[id]
+ /* alert('show id='+id+' index='+i+' doplay='+doplay) */
+ if (!doplay) {
+ show.stop()
+ }
+ return false
/* Stop slideshow and return to index page */
function showStop() {
- show.quit()
- showwin.hide()
- /*
- var img = show.newImage.getElement('img');
- if(img) {
- alert('remove element: '+img.get('tag')+'.'+img.get('class')+
- '#'+img.get('id')+' src='+img.get('src'))
- img.dispose()
- }
- img = show.oldImage.getElement('img');
- if(img) {
- alert('remove element: '+img.get('tag')+'.'+img.get('class')+
- '#'+img.get('id')+' src='+img.get('src'))
- img.dispose()
- }
- show.imagesHolder.getElements('img').each(function(el){
- alert('remove element: '+el.get('tag')+'.'+el.get('class')+'#'+el.get('id')+
- ' src='+el.get('src'))
- el.dispose()
- })
- */
- return false
+ show.quit()
+ showwin.hide()
+ return false
/* List of lists of img variations. Each image variation is a three-element */
var vimgs=[]
* [
- * [
- * [width, height, url]
+ * [ id, title, [
+ * [ width, height, url ]
+ * ...
+ * ]
* ...
* ]
* ...
* ]
-/* resolve string ID to index */
+/* resolve string ID to index No which is the index in vimgs[] array */
var rimgs=[]
/* Initialize everything, to be called on domready */
function init_gallery() {
- $$('.conceal').each(function(el){
- el.setStyle('display', 'none')
- })
- $$('a.infoBox').each(function(el){
- var url=el.get('href')
- el.set('href',url+'?conceal')
- })
- $$('a.showStart').each(function(el){
- el.addEvent('click', showImage.bind(el,[el.get('id'),1]))
- })
- $$('a.showImage').each(function(el){
- el.addEvent('click', showImage.bind(el,[el.get('id'),0]))
- })
- $$('div.varimages').each(function(el,i){
- rimgs[] = i
- vimgs[i] = []
- el.getElements('a').each(function(ael,j){
- dim = /(\d+)[^\d](\d+)/.exec(ael.text)
- w = dim[1]
- h = dim[2]
- vimgs[i][j]=[w,h,ael.href,,el.title]
- })
- })
- /* debugging output
- var msg='loaded '+vimgs.length+' image descriptions:'
- vimgs.each(function(vimg,i){
- msg+='\nid='+i
- vimg.each(function(vimg,i){
- msg+='\n w='+vimg[0]+' h='+vimg[1]+' url='+vimg[2]
- })
- })
- alert(msg)
- /* end debugging output */
- var ovlparams = {}
- ovl = new overlay(ovlparams)
- var iboxparams = {
- overlay: ovl,
- showNumbers: false,
- showControls: true,
- openFromLink: false,
- movieWidth: 640,
- movieHeight: 480,
- descClassName: 'infoBoxDesc',
- }
- ibox = new multiBox('infoBox', iboxparams)
- var winparms = {
- /* onClick: showStop, /* temporarily */
- embed: ['slideshowControls'],
- }
- showwin = new showWindow('slideshowContainer',winparms)
- var showparms = {
- wait: 3000,
- effect: 'fade',
- duration: 1000,
- loop: false,
- thumbnails: false,
- onClick: function(i){alert(i)},
- comment: 'comm',
- }
- show = new slideShow('slideshowContainer',vimgs,showparms)
+ $$('.conceal').each(function(el){
+ el.setStyle('display', 'none')
+ })
+ $$('a.infoBox').each(function(el){
+ var url=el.get('href')
+ el.set('href',url+'?conceal')
+ })
+ $$('a.showStart').each(function(el){
+ el.addEvent('click', showImage.bind(el,[el.get('id'),1]))
+ })
+ $$('a.showImage').each(function(el){
+ el.addEvent('click', showImage.bind(el,[el.get('id'),0]))
+ })
+ $$('div.varimages').each(function(el,i){
+ rimgs[] = i
+ vimgs[i] = []
+ el.getElements('a').each(function(ael,j){
+ dim = /(\d+)[^\d](\d+)/.exec(ael.text)
+ w = dim[1]
+ h = dim[2]
+ vimgs[i][j]=[w,h,ael.href,,el.title]
+ })
+ })
+ /* debugging output
+ var msg='loaded '+vimgs.length+' image descriptions:'
+ vimgs.each(function(vimg,i){
+ msg+='\nid='+i
+ vimg.each(function(vimg,i){
+ msg+='\n w='+vimg[0]+' h='+vimg[1]+' url='+vimg[2]
+ })
+ })
+ alert(msg)
+ /* end debugging output */
+ var ovlparams = {}
+ ovl = new overlay(ovlparams)
+ var iboxparams = {
+ overlay: ovl,
+ showNumbers: false,
+ showControls: true,
+ openFromLink: false,
+ movieWidth: 640,
+ movieHeight: 480,
+ descClassName: 'infoBoxDesc',
+ }
+ ibox = new multiBox('infoBox', iboxparams)
- var ctlparams = {
- next: function(){},
- prev: function(){show.previous()},
- stop: function(){show.stop()},
- play: function(){},
- exit: function(){showStop()},
- }
- ctl = new showControls('slideshowControls',ctlparams)
+ var winparms = {
+ /* onClick: showStop, /* temporarily */
+ embed: ['slideshowControls'],
+ }
+ showwin = new showWindow('slideshowContainer',winparms)
+ var showparms = {
+ wait: 3000,
+ effect: 'fade',
+ duration: 1000,
+ loop: false,
+ thumbnails: false,
+ onClick: function(i){alert(i)},
+ comment: 'comm',
+ }
+ show = new slideShow('slideshowContainer',vimgs,showparms)
+ var ctlparams = {
+ next: function(){},
+ prev: function(){show.previous()},
+ stop: function(){show.stop()},
+ play: function(){},
+ exit: function(){showStop()},
+ }
+ ctl = new showControls('slideshowControls',ctlparams)
- parsedurl = parseUrl(document.URL)
- /* alert('Anchor: '+parsedurl['anchor']+'\nURL: '+document.URL) */
- if ($chk(parsedurl['anchor'])){
- showImage(parsedurl['anchor'],0)
- }
+ parsedurl = parseUrl(document.URL)
+ /* alert('Anchor: '+parsedurl['anchor']+'\nURL: '+document.URL) */
+ if ($chk(parsedurl['anchor'])){
+ showImage(parsedurl['anchor'],0)
+ }
/* Initialization */