+ my $fn = sprintf("%s/.html/%s-info.html",$dn,$name);
+ my $F;
+ unless (open($F,'>'.$fn)) {
+ warn "cannot open \"$fn\": $!";
+ return;
+ }
+ # info html
+ my $imgsrc = sprintf("../.%s/%s",$sizes[0],$name);
+ print $F start_html(-title=>$title,-bgcolor=>"#ffff80",
+ -style=>{-src=>$inc."gallery.css"},),"\n",
+ start_center,"\n",
+ h1($title),"\n",
+ table(Tr(td(img({-src=>$imgsrc})),td($self->infotable))),
+ end_table,
+ end_center,"\n",
+ end_html,"\n";
+ close($F);
sub startindex {
my $first = $self->{-firstimg}->{-base};
my $slideref = sprintf(".html/%s-slide.html",$first);
- print $IND h2("Images"),
- a({-href=>$slideref},'Slideshow');
+ print $IND h2("Images"),"\n",
+ a({-href=>$slideref},'Slideshow'),
my $info = $self->{-info};
my ($w, $h) = dim($info);
- #print &infobox($info,$base,$fn),"\n";
+ print $IND start_div({-class=>'ibox',-id=>$name,
+ -OnClick=>"HideIbox('$name');"}),
+ span({-style=>'float: left;'},b("Info for $name")),
+ span({-style=>'float: right;'},
+ a({-href=>"#",-OnClick=>"HideIbox('$name');"},"Close")),
+ br({-clear=>'all'}),
+ $self->infotable,
+ end_div,"\n";
print $IND table({-class=>'slide'},Tr(td(
-onClick=>"return showIbox('$name');"},$title),
print $IND br({-clear=>'all'}),hr,"\n\n";
-sub processdir {
- my ($start,$dir)=@_;
- my $dn=$start;
- $dn .= "/".$dir if ($dir);
- unless ( -d $dn ) {
- warn "not a directory: $dn";
- return;
- }
- my $D;
- unless (opendir($D,$dn)) {
- warn "cannot opendir $dn: $!";
- return;
- }
-# recurse into subdirectories BEFORE opening index file
- &iteratedir($D,$start,$dir,sub {
- my ($start,$dir,$base)=@_;
- my $ndir = $dir;
- $ndir .= "/" if ($ndir);
- $ndir .= $base;
- return unless ( -d $start."/".$ndir );
- &processdir($start,$ndir);
- });
-# fill in title
- my $title=&gettitle($dn,$dir);
-# get include prefix
- my $inc=&getinclude($dn);
-# generate directory index unless suppressed
- if ( -e $dn."/.noindex" ) {
- open(STDOUT,">/dev/null");
- } else {
- open(STDOUT,">".$dn."/index.html");
- }
-# write HTML header
- -style=>{-src=>[$inc."gallery.css",
- $inc."lightbox.css"]},
- -script=>[{-code=>"var incPrefix='$inc';"},
- {-src=>$inc."gallery.js"},
- {-src=>$inc."lightbox.js"}]),"\n";
- print a({-href=>"../index.html"},"UP");
- print start_center,"\n";
- print h1($title),"\n";
-# create list of sub-albums
- my $hassubdirs=0;
- &iteratedir($D,$start,$dir,sub {
- my ($start,$dir,$base)=@_;
- my $en=sprintf("%s/%s/%s",$start,$dir,$base);
- return unless ( -d $en );
- unless ($hassubdirs) {
- print hr,h2("Albums"),start_table,"\n";
- $hassubdirs=1;
- }
- &subalbum($base,&gettitle($en,$dir."/".$base));
- });
- print end_table,hr,"\n" if ($hassubdirs);
-# create picture gallery
- my @piclist=();
- my @infolist=();
- my $haspics=0;
- &iteratedir($D,$start,$dir,sub {
- my ($start,$dir,$base)=@_;
- my $en=sprintf("%s/%s/%s",$start,$dir,$base);
- return unless ( -f $en );
- my $info = image_info($en);
- if (my $error = $info->{error}) {
- if (($error !~ "Unrecognized file format") &&
- ($error !~ "Can't read head")) {
- print STDERR "File \"$en\": $error\n";
- }
- return;
- }
- if (&processfile($start,$dir,$base,$en,$info)) {
- $haspics=1;
- push(@piclist,$base);
- push(@infolist,$info);
- }
- });
-# write HTML footer
- print br({-clear=>"all"}),"\n";
- print a({-href=>".html/".$piclist[0]."-slide.html"},"Slideshow");
- print hr,"\n" if ($haspics);
- print end_center,"\n";
- print end_html,"\n";
- close(STDOUT);
- closedir($D);
-# generate html files for slideshow from @piclist
- for (my $i=0;$i<=$#piclist;$i++) {
- my $base=$piclist[$i];
- my $pbase;
- my $nbase;
- $pbase=$piclist[$i-1] if ($i>0);
- $nbase=$piclist[$i+1] if ($i<$#piclist);
- for my $refresh('static','slide') {
- &mkauxfile($start,$dir,$pbase,$base,$nbase,
- $refresh,$infolist[$i]);
- }
- }
-# helper functions
-sub iteratedir {
- my ($D,$start,$dir,$prog)=@_;
- my @list=();
- while (my $de=readdir($D)) {
- next if ($de =~ /^\./);
- push(@list,$de);
- }
- foreach my $de(sort @list) {
- &$prog($start,$dir,$de);
- }
- rewinddir($D);
-sub getinclude {
- my ($dn)=@_;
- my $depth=20;
- my $str="";
- #print STDERR "start include ",$dn."/".$str.".include","\n";
- while ( ! -d $dn."/".$str.".include" ) {
- #print STDERR "not include ",$dn."/".$str.".include","\n";
- $str.="../";
- last unless ($depth--);
- }
- #print STDERR "end include ",$dn."/".$str.".include","\n";
- if ( -d $dn."/".$str.".include" ) {
- #print STDERR "return include ".$str.".include/".$fn,"\n";
- return $str.".include/";
- } else {
- return ""; # won't work anyway but return something
- }
-sub gettitle {
- my ($dir,$dflt)=@_;
- my $F;
- my $str;
- if (open($F,"<".$dir."/.title")) {
- $str=<$F>;
- chop $str;
- close($F);
- } else {
- print STDERR "enter title for $dir\n";
- $str=<>;
- if ($str =~ /^\s*$/) {
- $str=$dflt;
- }
- if (open($F,">".$dir."/.title")) {
- print $F $str,"\n";
- close($F);
- } else {
- print STDERR "cant open .title in $dir for writing: $!";
- }
- }
- return $str;
-sub subalbum {
- my ($base,$title)=@_;
- print Tr({-bgcolor=>"#c0c0c0"},
- td(a({-href=>$base."/index.html"},$base)),
- td(a({-href=>$base."/index.html"},$title))),"\n";
-sub processfile {
- my ($start,$dir,$base,$fn,$info)=@_;
- my ($w,$h) = dim($info);
- my $title=$info->{'Comment'};
- $title=$base unless ($title);
- my $thumb=&scale($start,$dir,$base,$fn,160,$info);
- my $medium=&scale($start,$dir,$base,$fn,640,$info);
- print &infobox($info,$base,$fn),"\n";
- print table({-class=>'slide'},Tr(td(
- a({-href=>".html/$base-info.html",
- -onClick=>"return showIbox('$base');"},$title),
- br,
- a({-href=>$medium,-rel=>"lightbox",-title=>$title},
- img({-src=>$thumb})),
- br,
- a({-href=>$base},"($w x $h)"),
- br))),"\n";
- return 1;
-sub infobox {
- my ($info,$base,$fn)=@_;
+sub infotable {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $info = $self->{-info};
+ my $msg='';
my @infokeys=(
- my $msg=start_div({-class=>'ibox',-id=>$base,-OnClick=>"HideIbox('$base');"});
- $msg.=span({-style=>'float: left;'},"Info for $base").
- span({-style=>'float: right;'},
- a({-href=>"#",-OnClick=>"HideIbox('$base');"},"Close"));
- $msg.=br({-clear=>'all'});
- $msg.=start_table;
+ $msg.=start_table."\n";
foreach my $k(@infokeys) {
- $msg.=Tr(td($k.":"),td($info->{$k}));
+ $msg.=Tr(td($k.":"),td($info->{$k}))."\n" if ($info->{$k});
- $msg.=end_table;
- $msg.=end_div;
- return $msg;
+ $msg.=end_table."\n";
-sub mkauxfile {
- my ($start,$dir,$pbase,$base,$nbase,$refresh,$info) =@_;
- my $en=sprintf("%s/%s/.html/%s-%s.html",$start,$dir,$base,$refresh);
- my $pref;
- my $nref;
- if ($pbase) {
- $pref=sprintf("%s-%s.html",$pbase,$refresh);
- } else {
- $pref="../index.html";
- }
- if ($nbase) {
- $nref=sprintf("%s-%s.html",$nbase,$refresh);
- } else {
- $nref="../index.html";
- }
- my $toggle;
- my $toggleref;
- if ($refresh eq 'slide') {
- $toggle='Stop!';
- $toggleref=sprintf("%s-static.html",$base);
- } else {
- $toggle='Play->';
- $toggleref=sprintf("%s-slide.html",$base);
- }
- my $tdir=sprintf "%s/%s/.html",$start,$dir;
- mkdir($tdir,0755) unless ( -d $tdir );
- unless (open(STDOUT,">".$en)) {
- warn "cannot open $en: $!";
- return;
- }
- my $title=$info->{'Comment'};
- $title=$base unless ($title);
- if ($refresh eq 'slide') {
- print start_html(-title=>$title,
- -bgcolor=>"#808080",
- -head=>meta({-http_equiv=>'Refresh',
- -content=>"3; url=$nref"})),"\n";
- } else {
- print start_html(-title=>$title,
- -bgcolor=>"#808080"),"\n";
- }
- print start_center,"\n";
- print h1($title);
- print a({-href=>"../index.html"},"Index")," | ";
- print a({-href=>$pref},"<<Prev")," | ";
- print a({-href=>$toggleref},$toggle)," | ";
- print a({-href=>$nref},"Next>>");
- print p;
- print img({-src=>"../.640/".$base}),"\n";
- print end_center,"\n";
- print end_html,"\n";
- close(STDOUT);
-sub scale {
- my ($start,$dir,$base,$fn,$tsize,$info)=@_;
- my ($w,$h) = dim($info);
- my $max=($w>$h)?$w:$h;
- my $factor=$tsize/$max;
- return $base if ($factor >= 1);
- my $tdir=sprintf "%s/%s/.%s",$start,$dir,$tsize;
- mkdir($tdir,0755) unless ( -d $tdir );
- my $tbase=sprintf ".%s/%s",$tsize,$base;
- my $tfn=sprintf "%s/%s",$tdir,$base;
- my @sstat=stat($fn);
- my @tstat=stat($tfn);
- return $tbase if (@tstat && ($sstat[9] < $tstat[9])); # [9] -> mtime
- print STDERR "scale by $factor from $fn to $tfn\n";
- &doscaling($fn,$tfn,$factor,$w,$h);
- return $tbase;
-sub doscaling {
- my ($src,$dest,$factor,$w,$h)=@_;
- my $im=new Image::Magick;
- my $err;
- #print STDERR "doscale $src -> $dest by $factor\n";
- $err=$im->Read($src);
- unless ($err) {
- $im->Scale(width=>$w*$factor,height=>$h*$factor);
- $err=$im->Write($dest);
- warn "ImageMagic: write \"$dest\": $err" if ($err);
- } else {
- warn "ImageMagic: read \"$src\": $err";
- system("djpeg \"$src\" | pnmscale \"$factor\" | cjpeg >\"$dest\"");
- }
- undef $im;