+""" Print out contens of the event database """
+from configparser import ConfigParser
from datetime import datetime, timezone
+from getopt import getopt
+from importlib import import_module
+from logging import getLogger
from sqlite3 import connect
-import sys
-from .zx303proto import parse_message, proto_by_name
-db = connect(sys.argv[1])
-c = db.cursor()
-if len(sys.argv) > 2:
- proto = proto_by_name(sys.argv[2])
- if proto < 0:
- raise ValueError("No protocol with name " + sys.argv[2])
- selector = " where proto = :proto"
- proto = -1
- selector = ""
- "select tstamp, imei, peeraddr, proto, packet from events" + selector,
- {"proto": proto},
-for tstamp, imei, peeraddr, proto, packet in c:
- if len(packet) > packet[0] + 1:
+from sys import argv
+from typing import Any, cast, List, Tuple
+from . import common
+log = getLogger("loctrkd/qry")
+class ProtoModule:
+ @staticmethod
+ def proto_handled(proto: str) -> bool:
+ ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def parse_message(packet: bytes, is_incoming: bool = True) -> Any:
+ ...
+pmods: List[ProtoModule] = []
+def main(
+ conf: ConfigParser, opts: List[Tuple[str, str]], args: List[str]
+) -> None:
+ global pmods
+ pmods = [
+ cast(ProtoModule, import_module("." + modnm, __package__))
+ for modnm in conf.get("collector", "protocols").split(",")
+ ]
+ db = connect(conf.get("storage", "dbfn"))
+ c = db.cursor()
+ if len(args) > 0:
+ proto = args[0]
+ selector = " where proto = :proto"
+ else:
+ proto = ""
+ selector = ""
+ c.execute(
+ """select tstamp, imei, peeraddr, is_incoming, proto, packet
+ from events"""
+ + selector,
+ {"proto": proto},
+ )
+ for tstamp, imei, peeraddr, is_incoming, proto, packet in c:
+ msg: Any = f"Unparseable({packet.hex()})"
+ for pmod in pmods:
+ if pmod.proto_handled(proto):
+ msg = pmod.parse_message(packet, is_incoming)
- "proto",
- packet[1],
- "datalen",
- len(packet),
- "msg.length",
- packet[0],
- file=sys.stderr,
+ datetime.fromtimestamp(tstamp)
+ .astimezone(tz=timezone.utc)
+ .isoformat(),
+ imei,
+ peeraddr,
+ msg,
- msg = parse_message(packet)
- print(
- datetime.fromtimestamp(tstamp).astimezone(tz=timezone.utc).isoformat(),
- imei,
- peeraddr,
- msg,
- )
+if __name__.endswith("__main__"):
+ opts, args = getopt(argv[1:], "c:d")
+ main(common.init(log, opts=opts), opts, args)