hSetBuffering stdin LineBuffering
hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering
ver <- do
loopErr e = forever $ do
putStrLn $ "OK\tDnsNmc ready to serve, protocol v." ++ (show ver)
mgr <- newManager def
- newcache count name = (insert count name)
- . (delete (if count >= 10 then count - 10 else count + 90))
+ fetch = lookup
+ -- Save the name under current count, increment count for the next run
+ -- so the name is saved under the count that was put into the response.
+ stow name (count, cache) =
+ (if count >= 99 then 0 else count + 1
+ , insert count name
+ $ delete (if count >= 10 then count - 10 else count + 90) cache
+ )
io = liftIO
mainloop = forever $ do
l <- io getLine
(count, cache) <- get
++ " qtype: " ++ (show qtype)
++ " cache size: " ++ (show (size cache))
-- end debug
- put (if count >= 99 then 0 else count + 1,
- newcache count qname cache)
+ put $ stow qname (count, cache)
PdnsRequestAXFR xrq ->
- case lookup xrq cache of
+ case fetch xrq cache of
Nothing ->
io $ putStr $
pdnsReport ("AXFR for unknown id: " ++ (show xrq))
io $ queryDom (queryOpNmc cfg mgr xrq) qname
>>= putStr . (pdnsOutXfr ver count qname)
PdnsRequestPing -> io $ putStrLn "END"
runStateT mainloop (0, empty) >> return ()
-- query by key from Namecoin