use CGI qw/:html *table *center *div/;
use Image::Info qw/image_info dim/;
use Term::ReadLine;
+use Getopt::Long;
use Image::Magick;
-my $debug=0;
+my @sizes = (160, 640);
+my $debug = 0;
+my $asktitle = 0;
+my $noasktitle = 0;
+ 'noasktitle'=>\$noasktitle,
+ 'debug'=>\$debug);
+my $term = new Term::ReadLine "Edit Title";
sub new {
if (ref($this)) {
$class = ref($this);
my $parent = $this;
- my $path = $parent->{-path};
my $name = shift;
- $path .= '/' if ($path);
- $path .= $name;
my $fullpath = $parent->{-fullpath}.'/'.$name;
$self = {
- -path=>$path,
last unless ($depth-- > 0);
if ($depth > 0) {
- return $inc.'/'; # prefix with trailing slash
+ return $inc.'/'; # prefix with trailing slash
} else {
- return 'NO-.INCLUDE-IN-PATH/'; # won't work anyway
+ return 'NO-.INCLUDE-IN-PATH/'; # won't work anyway
- my @sdirlist = sort {$a->{-base} cmp $b->{-base}} @rdirlist;
+ my @dirlist = sort {$a->{-base} cmp $b->{-base}} @rdirlist;
undef @rdirlist; # inplace sorting would be handy here
- my @simglist = sort {$a->{-base} cmp $b->{-base}} @rimglist;
+ my @imglist = sort {$a->{-base} cmp $b->{-base}} @rimglist;
undef @rimglist; # optimize away unsorted versions
# 1. first of all, fill title for this directory and create hidden subdirs
# 2. iterate through subdirectories to get their titles filled
+# before we start writing out subalbum list
- foreach my $dir(@sdirlist) {
+ foreach my $dir(@dirlist) {
print "Dir: $dir->{-fullpath}\n" if ($debug);
-# 3. start building directory index.html
+# 3. start building index.html for the directory
# 4. iterate through subdirectories to build subalbums list
# 5. iterate through images to build cross-links
- foreach my $img(@simglist) {
+ foreach my $img(@imglist) {
print "Img: $img->{-fullpath}\n" if ($debug);
# 6. iterate through images to build thumb list and aux html files
+# 7. comlplete building index.html for the directory
sub initdir {
my $self = shift;
my $fullpath = $self->{-fullpath};
- # do stuff
+ for my $subdir(@sizes, 'html') {
+ my $tdir=sprintf "%s/.%s",$self->{-fullpath},$subdir;
+ mkdir($tdir,0755) unless ( -d $tdir );
+ }
+ $self->edittitle;
+sub edittitle {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $fullpath = $self->{-fullpath};
+ my $title;
+ my $T;
+ if (open($T,'<'.$fullpath.'/.title')) {
+ $title = <$T>;
+ $title =~ s/[\r\n]*$//;
+ close($T);
+ }
+ if ($asktitle || (!$title && !$noasktitle)) {
+ my $prompt = $self->{-base};
+ $prompt = '/' unless ($prompt);
+ my $OUT = $term->OUT || \*STDOUT;
+ print $OUT "Enter title for $fullpath\n";
+ $title = $term->readline($prompt.' >',$title);
+ $term->addhistory($title) if ($title);
+ if (open($T,'>'.$fullpath.'/.title')) {
+ print $T $title,"\n";
+ close($T);
+ }
+ }
+ unless ($title) {
+ $title=substr($fullpath,length($self->{-root}))
+ }
+ $self->{-title}=$title;
+ print "title in $fullpath is $title\n" if ($debug);