--- /dev/null
+import csv
+from logging import getLogger
+import requests
+from sqlite3 import connect
+from zlib import decompressobj, MAX_WBITS
+from . import common
+log = getLogger("gps303/ocid_dload")
+RURL = (
+ "https://opencellid.org/ocid/downloads"
+ "?token={token}&type={type}&file={mcc}.csv.gz"
+SCHEMA = """create table if not exists cells (
+ "radio" text,
+ "mcc" int,
+ "net" int,
+ "area" int,
+ "cell" int,
+ "unit" int,
+ "lon" int,
+ "lat" int,
+ "range" int,
+ "samples" int,
+ "changeable" int,
+ "created" int,
+ "updated" int,
+ "averageSignal" int
+DBINDEX = "create index if not exists cell_idx on cells (area, cell)"
+class unzipped:
+ """
+ File-like object that unzips http response body.
+ read(size) method returns chunks of binary data as bytes
+ When used as iterator, splits data to lines
+ and yelds them as strings.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, zstream):
+ self.zstream = zstream
+ self.decoder = decompressobj(16 + MAX_WBITS)
+ self.outdata = b""
+ self.line = b""
+ def read(self, n=None):
+ if self.decoder is None:
+ return b""
+ while len(self.outdata) < n:
+ raw_data = self.zstream.read(n)
+ self.outdata += self.decoder.decompress(raw_data)
+ if not raw_data:
+ self.decoder = None
+ break
+ if self.outdata:
+ data, self.outdata = self.outdata[:n], self.outdata[n:]
+ return data
+ return b""
+ def __next__(self):
+ while True:
+ splittry = self.line.split(b"\n", maxsplit=1)
+ if len(splittry) > 1:
+ break
+ moredata = self.read(256)
+ if not moredata:
+ raise StopIteration
+ self.line += moredata
+ line, rest = splittry
+ self.line = rest
+ return line.decode("utf-8")
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return self
+def main(conf):
+ try:
+ with open(
+ conf.get("opencellid", "downloadtoken"), encoding="ascii"
+ ) as fl:
+ token = fl.read().strip()
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ log.warning("Opencellid access token not configured, cannot download")
+ return
+ mcc = conf.get("opencellid", "downloadmcc")
+ url = RURL.format(token=token, type="mcc", mcc=mcc)
+ # url = "http://localhost:8000/262.csv.gz" # TESTING
+ dbfn = conf.get("opencellid", "dbfn")
+ count = 0
+ with requests.get(url, stream=True) as resp, connect(dbfn) as db:
+ log.debug("Requested %s, result %s", url, resp)
+ if resp.status_code != 200:
+ log.error("Error getting %s: %s", url, resp)
+ return
+ db.execute("pragma journal_mode = wal")
+ db.execute(SCHEMA)
+ db.execute("delete from cells")
+ rows = csv.reader(unzipped(resp.raw))
+ for row in rows:
+ db.execute(
+ """insert into cells
+ values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)""",
+ row,
+ )
+ count += 1
+ db.execute(DBINDEX)
+ log.info("repopulated %s with %d records for MCC %s", dbfn, count, mcc)
+if __name__.endswith("__main__"):
+ main(common.init(log))