--- /dev/null
+module PowerDns where
+data RRType = RRTypeSRV | RRTypeA | RRTypeAAAA | RRTypeCNAME
+ | RRTypeDNAME | RRTypeSOA | RRTypeRP | RRTypeLOC
+ | RRTypeNS | RRTypeDS
+ | RRTypeANY | RRTypeError String
+ deriving (Show)
+data PdnsRequest = PdnsRequestQ
+ { qName :: String
+ , qType :: RRType
+ , iD :: String
+ , remoteIpAddress :: String
+ , localIpAddress :: Maybe String
+ , ednsSubnetAddress :: Maybe String
+ }
+ | PdnsRequestAXFR String
+ | PdnsRequestPing
+ deriving (Show)
+pdnsParse ver s =
+ let
+ getQt qt = case qt of
+ "SRV" -> RRTypeSRV
+ "A" -> RRTypeA
+ "AAAA" -> RRTypeAAAA
+ "SOA" -> RRTypeSOA
+ "RP" -> RRTypeRP
+ "LOC" -> RRTypeLOC
+ "NS" -> RRTypeNS
+ "DS" -> RRTypeDS
+ "ANY" -> RRTypeANY
+ _ -> RRTypeError qt
+ getLIp ver xs
+ | ver >= 2 = case xs of
+ x:_ -> Just x
+ _ -> Nothing
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ getRIp ver xs
+ | ver >= 3 = case xs of
+ _:x:_ -> Just x
+ _ -> Nothing
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ in
+ case words s of
+ "PING":[] -> Right PdnsRequestPing
+ "AXFR":x:[] -> Right (PdnsRequestAXFR x)
+ "Q":qn:"IN":qt:id:rip:xs -> Right (PdnsRequestQ
+ { qName = qn
+ , qType = getQt qt
+ , iD = id
+ , remoteIpAddress = rip
+ , localIpAddress = getLIp ver xs
+ , ednsSubnetAddress = getRIp ver xs
+ })
+ _ -> Left s
+pdnsOut :: String -> Either String PdnsRequest -> IO ()
+pdnsOut _ (Left e) = putStrLn ("ERROR\tUnparseable request: " ++ e)
+pdnsOut uri (Right rq) = case rq of
+ PdnsRequestQ qn qt id lip rip eip -> do
+ dom <- queryNmc uri qn qt id
+ case dom of
+ Left e -> putStrLn ("ERROR\tNmc query error: " ++ e)
+ Right result -> print result
+ PdnsRequestAXFR xfrreq ->
+ putStrLn ("ERROR\t No support for AXFR " ++ xfrreq)
+ PdnsRequestPing -> putStrLn "OK"
--import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
-import Data.ByteString.Char8 (pack, unpack)
-import Data.ByteString.Lazy hiding (pack, unpack, putStrLn)
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C (pack, unpack)
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L (pack, unpack)
+import Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS hiding (reverse, putStrLn)
import Data.ConfigFile
import Data.Either.Utils
import Data.List.Split
import Data.Conduit
import Network.HTTP.Conduit
import Data.JsonRpcClient
+import PowerDns
import NmcJson
confFile = "/etc/namecoin.conf"
-- HTTP/JsonRpc interface
-qReq cf q = applyBasicAuth (pack (rpcuser cf)) (pack (rpcpassword cf))
- $ def { host = (pack (rpchost cf))
- , port = (rpcport cf)
- , method = "PUT"
- , requestHeaders = [ (hAccept, "application/json")
- , (hContentType, "application/json")
- , (hConnection, "Keep-Alive")
- ]
- , requestBody = RequestBodyLBS $ encode $
- JsonRpcRequest JsonRpcV1
- "name_show"
- [q]
- (String "pdns-nmc")
- , checkStatus = \_ _ _ -> Nothing
- }
+qReq :: Config -> ByteString -> ByteString -> Request m
+qReq cf q id = applyBasicAuth (C.pack (rpcuser cf)) (C.pack (rpcpassword cf))
+ $ def { host = (C.pack (rpchost cf))
+ , port = (rpcport cf)
+ , method = "PUT"
+ , requestHeaders = [ (hAccept, "application/json")
+ , (hContentType, "application/json")
+ , (hConnection, "Keep-Alive")
+ ]
+ , requestBody = RequestBodyLBS $ encode $
+ JsonRpcRequest JsonRpcV1
+ "name_show"
+ [q]
+ (String "pdns-nmc")
+ , checkStatus = \_ _ _ -> Nothing
+ }
+qRsp :: Response ByteString -> Either String NmcDom
+qRsp rsp =
+ case parseJsonRpc (responseBody rsp) :: Either JsonRpcError NmcRes of
+ Left jerr -> Left $ "Unparseable response: " ++ (show (responseBody rsp))
+ Right jrsp ->
+ case decode (resValue jrsp) :: Maybe NmcDom of
+ Nothing -> Left $ "Unparseable value: " ++ (show (resValue jrsp))
+ Just dom -> Right dom
-- NMC interface
-queryNmc :: String -> String -> RRType -> String -> IO (Either String NmcDom)
-queryNmc uri fqdn qtype qid = do
- case reverse (splitOn "." fqdn) of
+queryNmc :: Manager -> Config -> String -> RRType -> String
+ -> IO (Either String NmcDom)
+queryNmc mgr cfg fqdn qtype qid = do
+ case reverse (splitOn "." fqdn) of
"bit":dn:xs -> do
- ans <- detailledRemote Version1 [] uri "name_show" $ "d/" ++ dn
- let mdom = decode (resValue ans) :: Maybe NmcDom
- case mdom of
- Nothing -> return $ Left ("Unparseable: " ++ (show (resValue ans)))
- Just dom -> return $ Right dom
+ rsp <- runResourceT $
+ httpLbs (qReq cfg (L.pack ("d/" ++ dn)) (L.pack qid)) mgr
+ return $ qRsp rsp
_ ->
return $ Left "Only \".bit\" domain is supported"
--- PowerDNS ABI
-data RRType = RRTypeSRV | RRTypeA | RRTypeAAAA | RRTypeCNAME
- | RRTypeDNAME | RRTypeSOA | RRTypeRP | RRTypeLOC
- | RRTypeNS | RRTypeDS
- | RRTypeANY | RRTypeError String
- deriving (Show)
-data PdnsRequest = PdnsRequestQ
- { qName :: String
- , qType :: RRType
- , iD :: String
- , remoteIpAddress :: String
- , localIpAddress :: Maybe String
- , ednsSubnetAddress :: Maybe String
- }
- | PdnsRequestAXFR String
- | PdnsRequestPing
- deriving (Show)
-pdnsParse ver s =
- let
- getQt qt = case qt of
- "SRV" -> RRTypeSRV
- "A" -> RRTypeA
- "AAAA" -> RRTypeAAAA
- "SOA" -> RRTypeSOA
- "RP" -> RRTypeRP
- "LOC" -> RRTypeLOC
- "NS" -> RRTypeNS
- "DS" -> RRTypeDS
- "ANY" -> RRTypeANY
- _ -> RRTypeError qt
- getLIp ver xs
- | ver >= 2 = case xs of
- x:_ -> Just x
- _ -> Nothing
- | otherwise = Nothing
- getRIp ver xs
- | ver >= 3 = case xs of
- _:x:_ -> Just x
- _ -> Nothing
- | otherwise = Nothing
- in
- case words s of
- "PING":[] -> Right PdnsRequestPing
- "AXFR":x:[] -> Right (PdnsRequestAXFR x)
- "Q":qn:"IN":qt:id:rip:xs -> Right (PdnsRequestQ
- { qName = qn
- , qType = getQt qt
- , iD = id
- , remoteIpAddress = rip
- , localIpAddress = getLIp ver xs
- , ednsSubnetAddress = getRIp ver xs
- })
- _ -> Left s
-pdnsOut :: String -> Either String PdnsRequest -> IO ()
-pdnsOut _ (Left e) = putStrLn ("ERROR\tUnparseable request: " ++ e)
-pdnsOut uri (Right rq) = case rq of
- PdnsRequestQ qn qt id lip rip eip -> do
- dom <- queryNmc uri qn qt id
- case dom of
- Left e -> putStrLn ("ERROR\tNmc query error: " ++ e)
- Right result -> print result
- PdnsRequestAXFR xfrreq ->
- putStrLn ("ERROR\t No support for AXFR " ++ xfrreq)
- PdnsRequestPing -> putStrLn "OK"
-- Main entry
mgr <- newManager def
- print $ qReq cfg "d/nosuchdomain"
- rsp <- runResourceT $ httpLbs (qReq cfg "d/nosuchdomain") mgr
+ print $ qReq cfg "d/nosuchdomain" "query-nmc"
+ rsp <- runResourceT $ httpLbs (qReq cfg "d/nosuchdomain" "query-nmc") mgr
print $ (statusCode . responseStatus) rsp
putStrLn "===== complete response is:"
print rsp