, pdnsOutXfr
) where
+import Data.Text.Lazy (splitOn, pack)
import NmcDom
data RRType = RRTypeSRV | RRTypeA | RRTypeAAAA | RRTypeCNAME
| RRTypeNS | RRTypeDS | RRTypeMX
| RRTypeANY | RRTypeError String
- deriving (Show)
+instance Show RRType where
+ show RRTypeSRV = "SRV"
+ show RRTypeA = "A"
+ show RRTypeAAAA = "AAAA"
+ show RRTypeCNAME = "CNAME"
+ show RRTypeDNAME = "DNAME"
+ show RRTypeSOA = "SOA"
+ show RRTypeRP = "RP"
+ show RRTypeLOC = "LOC"
+ show RRTypeNS = "NS"
+ show RRTypeDS = "DS"
+ show RRTypeMX = "MX"
+ show RRTypeANY = "ANY"
+ show (RRTypeError s) = "RR type error: " ++ (show s)
data PdnsRequest = PdnsRequestQ
{ qName :: String
| PdnsRequestPing
deriving (Show)
+-- | Parse request string read from the core PowerDNS process
+pdnsParse :: Int -> String -> Either String PdnsRequest
pdnsParse ver s =
getInt s = case reads s :: [(Int, String)] of
[(x, _)] -> x
_ -> -1
getQt qt = case qt of
- "SRV" -> RRTypeSRV
+ "SRV" -> RRTypeSRV
"A" -> RRTypeA
- "SOA" -> RRTypeSOA
- "RP" -> RRTypeRP
+ "SOA" -> RRTypeSOA
+ "RP" -> RRTypeRP
"LOC" -> RRTypeLOC
- "NS" -> RRTypeNS
+ "NS" -> RRTypeNS
"DS" -> RRTypeDS
"MX" -> RRTypeMX
"ANY" -> RRTypeANY
_ -> Left $ "Unparseable PDNS Request: " ++ s
+-- | Produce LOG entry followed by FAIL
pdnsReport :: String -> String
-pdnsReport err =
- "LOG\tError: " ++ err ++ "\nFAIL\n"
+pdnsReport err = "LOG\tError: " ++ err ++ "\nFAIL\n"
+-- | Produce answer to the Q request
pdnsOut :: Int -> Int -> String -> RRType -> Either String NmcDom -> String
pdnsOut ver id name rrtype edom = case edom of
- Left err -> pdnsReport $ err ++ " in a query for " ++ name
- Right dom -> foldr addLine "END\n" $ n2p rrtype
- where
- addLine (nm, ty, dt) accum =
- "DATA\t" ++ v3ext ++ nm ++ "\tIN\t" ++ ty ++ "\t" ++ ttl ++
- "\t" ++ (show id) ++ "\t" ++ dt ++ "\n" ++ accum
- v3ext = case ver of
- 3 -> "0\t1\t"
- _ -> ""
- ttl = show 3600
- n2p RRTypeANY =
- foldr (\r accum -> (n2p r) ++ accum) []
+ Left err ->
+ pdnsReport $ err ++ " in a " ++ (show rrtype) ++ "query for " ++ name
+ Right dom ->
+ case rrtype of
+ RRTypeANY -> foldr (\x a -> (formatRR ver id name dom x) ++ a) "END\n"
- n2p RRTypeSRV = mapto "SRV" $ domSrv dom
- n2p RRTypeMX = mapto "MX" $ domMx dom
- n2p RRTypeA = mapto "A" $ domIp dom
- n2p RRTypeAAAA = mapto "AAAA" $ domIp6 dom
- n2p RRTypeCNAME = takejust "CNAME" $ domAlias dom
- n2p RRTypeDNAME = takejust "DNAME" $ domTranslate dom
- n2p RRTypeSOA = -- FIXME generate only for top domain
+ _ -> (formatRR ver id name dom rrtype) ++ "END\n"
+-- | Produce answer to the AXFR request
+pdnsOutXfr :: Int -> Int -> String -> Either String NmcDom -> String
+pdnsOutXfr ver id name edom = "" -- FIXME
+justl accessor _ dom = case accessor dom of
+ Nothing -> []
+ Just xs -> xs
+justv accessor _ dom = case accessor dom of
+ Nothing -> []
+ Just x -> [x]
+dotmail addr =
+ let (aname, adom) = break (== '@') addr
+ in case adom of
+ "" -> aname
+ _ -> aname ++ "." ++ (tail adom)
+dataRR RRTypeSRV = justl domSrv
+dataRR RRTypeMX = justl domMx
+dataRR RRTypeA = justl domIp
+dataRR RRTypeAAAA = justl domIp6
+dataRR RRTypeCNAME = justv domAlias
+dataRR RRTypeDNAME = justv domTranslate
+dataRR RRTypeSOA = soa
+ where
+ soa name dom = -- FIXME generate only for top domain
-- FIXME make realistic version field
-- FIXME make realistic nameserver field
- if dom == emptyNmcDom then []
- else [(name, "SOA", "ns " ++ email ++ " 99999 10800 3600 604800 86400")]
- where
- email = case domEmail dom of
- Nothing -> "hostmaster." ++ name
- Just addr -> dotmail addr
- n2p RRTypeRP = case domEmail dom of
- Nothing -> []
- Just addr -> [(name, "RP", (dotmail addr) ++ " .")]
- n2p RRTypeLOC = takejust "LOC" $ domLoc dom
- n2p RRTypeNS = mapto "NS" $ domNs dom
- n2p RRTypeDS = case domDs dom of
- Nothing -> []
- Just dss -> map (\x -> (name, "DS", dsStr x)) dss
- where
- dsStr x = (show (dsKeyTag x)) ++ " "
- ++ (show (dsAlgo x)) ++ " "
- ++ (show (dsHashType x)) ++ " "
- ++ (dsHashValue x)
- dotmail addr =
- let (aname, adom) = break (== '@') addr
- in case adom of
- "" -> aname
- _ -> aname ++ "." ++ (tail adom)
- mapto rrstr maybel = case maybel of
- Nothing -> []
- Just l -> map (\x -> (name, rrstr, x)) l
- takejust rrstr maybestr = case maybestr of
- Nothing -> []
- Just str -> [(name, rrstr, str)]
+ -- Follows a relatively ugly hack to figure if we are at the top
+ -- level domain ("something.bit"). Only in such case we provide
+ -- the synthetic SOA RR. Otherwise yield empty.
+ case splitOn (pack ".") (pack name) of
+ [_,_] ->
+ if dom == emptyNmcDom then []
+ else ["ns " ++ email ++ " 99999 10800 3600 604800 86400"]
+ where
+ email = case domEmail dom of
+ Nothing -> "hostmaster." ++ name
+ Just addr -> dotmail addr
+ _ -> []
+dataRR RRTypeRP = rp
+ where
+ rp _ dom = case domEmail dom of
+ Nothing -> []
+ Just addr -> [(dotmail addr) ++ " ."]
+dataRR RRTypeLOC = justv domLoc
+dataRR RRTypeNS = justl domNs
+dataRR RRTypeDS = ds
+ where
+ ds _ dom = case domDs dom of
+ Nothing -> []
+ Just dss -> map dsStr dss
+ where
+ dsStr x = (show (dsKeyTag x)) ++ " "
+ ++ (show (dsAlgo x)) ++ " "
+ ++ (show (dsHashType x)) ++ " "
+ ++ (dsHashValue x)
-pdnsOutXfr :: Int -> Int -> String -> Either String NmcDom -> String
-pdnsOutXfr ver id name edom = case edom of
- Left err -> pdnsReport $ err ++ " in a query for " ++ name
- Right dom -> pdnsReport $ "AXFR unsupported in a query for " ++ name
+formatRR ver id name dom rrtype =
+ foldr (\x a -> "DATA\t" ++ v3ext ++ name ++ "\tIN\t" ++ (show rrtype)
+ ++ "\t" ++ ttl ++ "\t" ++ (show id) ++ "\t" ++ x ++ "\n" ++ a)
+ "" $ dataRR rrtype name dom
+ where
+ v3ext = case ver of
+ 3 -> "0\t1\t"
+ _ -> ""
+ ttl = show 3600