my @imglist = sort {$a->{-base} cmp $b->{-base}} @rimglist;
undef @rimglist; # optimize away unsorted versions
+ print "Dir: $self->{-fullpath}\n" if ($debug);
# 1. first of all, fill title for this directory and create hidden subdirs
-# 2. iterate through subdirectories to get their titles filled
+# 2. recurse into subdirectories to get their titles filled
# before we start writing out subalbum list
foreach my $dir(@dirlist) {
- print "Dir: $dir->{-fullpath}\n" if ($debug);
-# 3. start building index.html for the directory
-# 4. iterate through subdirectories to build subalbums list
-# 5. iterate through images to build cross-links
+# 3. iterate through images to build cross-links,
+# create scaled versions and aux htmls
+ my $previmg = undef;
foreach my $img(@imglist) {
- print "Img: $img->{-fullpath}\n" if ($debug);
+ if ($previmg) {
+ $previmg->{-nextimg} = $img;
+ $img->{-previmg} = $previmg;
+ }
+ $previmg=$img;
+ $img->makescaled;
+ $img->makeaux;
+ }
+# 4. start building index.html for the directory
+ $self->startindex;
+# 5. iterate through subdirectories to build subalbums list
+ if (@dirlist) {
+ $self->startsublist;
+ foreach my $dir(@dirlist) {
+ $dir->sub_entry;
+ }
+ $self->endsublist;
+ }
+# 6. iterate through images to build thumb list
+ if (@imglist) {
+ $self->startimglist;
+ foreach my $img(@imglist) {
+ print "Img: $img->{-fullpath}\n" if ($debug);
+ $img->img_entry;
+ }
+ $self->endimglist;
-# 6. iterate through images to build thumb list and aux html files
# 7. comlplete building index.html for the directory
+ $self->endindex;
sub isdir {
unless ($title) {
- $title=substr($fullpath,length($self->{-root}))
+ $title=substr($fullpath,length($self->{-root}));
print "title in $fullpath is $title\n" if ($debug);
+sub makescaled {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $fn = $self->{-fullpath};
+ my $name = $self->{-base};
+ my $dn = $self->{-parent}->{-fullpath};
+ my ($w, $h) = dim($self->{-info});
+ my $max = ($w > $h)?$w:$h;
+ foreach my $size(@sizes) {
+ my $nfn = $dn.'/.'.$size.'/'.$name;
+ my $factor=$size/$max;
+ }
+sub makeaux {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $fn = $self->{-fullpath};
+ my $name = $self->{-base};
+ my $dn = $self->{-parent}->{-fullpath};
+sub startindex {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $fn = $self->{-fullpath}.'/index.html';
+ my $IND;
+ unless (open($IND,'>'.$fn)) {
+ warn "cannot open $fn: $!";
+ return;
+ }
+ $self->{-IND} = $IND;
+ my $inc = $self->{-inc};
+ my $title = $self->{-title};
+ print $IND start_html(-title => $title,
+ -style=>{-src=>[$inc."gallery.css",
+ $inc."lightbox.css"]},
+ -script=>[{-code=>"var incPrefix='$inc';"},
+ {-src=>$inc."gallery.js"},
+ {-src=>$inc."lightbox.js"}]),
+ a({-href=>"../index.html"},"UP"),"\n",
+ start_center,"\n",
+ h1($title),"\n",
+ "\n";
+sub endindex {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $IND = $self->{-IND};
+ print $IND end_center,end_html,"\n";
+ close($IND) if ($IND);
+ undef $self->{-IND};
+sub startsublist {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $IND = $self->{-IND};
+ print $IND h2("Albums"),"\n",start_table,"\n";
+sub sub_entry {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $IND = $self->{-parent}->{-IND};
+ my $name = $self->{-base};
+ my $title = $self->{-title};
+ print $IND Tr(td(a({-href=>$name.'/index.html'},$name)),
+ td(a({-href=>$name.'/index.html'},$title))),"\n";
+sub endsublist {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $IND = $self->{-IND};
+ print $IND end_table,"\n",br({-clear=>'all'}),hr,"\n\n";
+sub startimglist {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $IND = $self->{-IND};
+ print $IND h2("Images"),"\n";
+sub img_entry {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $IND = $self->{-parent}->{-IND};
+ my $name = $self->{-base};
+ print $IND a({-href=>$name},$name),"\n";
+sub endimglist {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $IND = $self->{-IND};
+ print $IND br({-clear=>'all'}),hr,"\n\n";
# write HTML header
- print start_html(-title => $title,
-script=>[{-code=>"var incPrefix='$inc';"},