import Data.Char
import Data.Map as M (Map, lookup, delete, size, unionWith)
import Data.Vector (toList,(!),length, singleton)
+import Control.Monad (foldM)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>), empty, pure)
import Data.Aeson
instance (Ord k, Mergeable a) => Mergeable (Map k a) where
merge mx my = M.unionWith merge my mx
+-- Alas, the following is not possible in Haskell :-(
-- instance Mergeable String where
-- merge _ b = b
, domInfo :: Maybe Value
, domNs :: Maybe [String]
, domDelegate :: Maybe String
- , domImport :: Maybe String
+ , domImport :: Maybe [String]
, domMap :: Maybe (Map String NmcDom)
, domFingerprint :: Maybe [String]
, domTls :: Maybe (Map String
<*> o .:? "info"
<*> o .:/ "ns"
<*> o .:? "delegate"
- <*> o .:? "import"
+ <*> o .:/ "import"
<*> o .:? "map"
<*> o .:/ "fingerprint"
<*> o .:? "tls"
, domInfo = mergelm domInfo
, domNs = mergelm domNs
, domDelegate = mergelm domDelegate
- , domImport = choose domImport
+ , domImport = mergelm domImport
, domMap = mergelm domMap
, domFingerprint = mergelm domFingerprint
, domTls = mergelm domTls
if depth <= 0 then return $ Left "Nesting of imports is too deep"
else case domImport mbase of
Nothing -> return $ Right base'
- Just key -> do
- sub <- queryNmcDom queryOp key
- case sub of
- Left e -> return $ Left e
- Right sub' -> mergeImport queryOp (depth - 1) $ sub' `merge` base'
+ Just keys -> foldM mergeImport1 (Right base') keys
+ where
+ mergeImport1 (Left err) _ = return $ Left err
+ mergeImport1 (Right acc) key = do
+ sub <- queryNmcDom queryOp key
+ case sub of
+ Left err -> return $ Left err
+ Right sub' -> mergeImport queryOp (depth - 1) $ sub' `merge` acc
-- | If there is an element in the map with key "", merge the contents
-- and remove this element. Do this recursively.
seedNmcDom ::
String -- ^ domain key (without namespace prefix)
-> NmcDom -- ^ resulting seed domain
-seedNmcDom dn = emptyNmcDom { domImport = Just ("d/" ++ dn)}
+seedNmcDom dn = emptyNmcDom { domImport = Just (["d/" ++ dn])}
| info | JsonObj | Currently unspecified |
| ns | Array(String) | Domain names as in `NS` |
| delegate | String | Replaces current object |
-| import | String | "Deep" merges into current obj. |
+| import | Array(String) | "Deep" merges into current obj. |
| map | Map(String:DomObj) | Tree of subdomain objects |
| fingerprint | Array(String) | |
| tls | Map(String:Map(String:Array(TlsObj))) | Outer `Map` by `Protocol`, inner by `Port` |
Assuming a query is performed for
(`sdX` list possibly being empty), the lookup process starts by
-populating a "seed" DomObj with a single attribute `"import"`
-the value of which corresponds to the `dom` name in the
-Namecoin namespace, currently `"d/" ++ dom`.
+querying the database for the object corresponding to `dom`.
+Technically, it is easiest to populate a "seed" DomObj with a
+single attribute `"import"` the value of which corresponds to the
+`dom` name in the Namecoin namespace, which is `"d/" ++ dom`.
This domain object is then transformed by the following
recursive sequece:
2. If attribute `"import"` does not exist in the resulting object,
recursion stops, and step 3 is performed on the result
If attribute `"import"` exists in the resulting object, lookup is
- is performed for the value of this attribute, and fetched object
- is recursively merged into the base domain. The `"import"` attribute
+ is performed for the values of this attribute, and fetched objects
+ are recursively merged into the base domain. The `"import"` attribute
is removed from the result. Then the result is passed as base
domain to step 1.
3. If subdomain chain is empty, recursion stops, and step 4 is
-{"service":[["smtp", "tcp", 0, 0, 25, ""]],"import":"d/extra2","ip":[""],"alias":"extra1alias","map":{"mail":"","www":""}}
+{"service":[["smtp", "tcp", 0, 0, 25, ""]],"import":["d/extra2","d/extra3"],"ip":[""],"alias":"extra1alias","map":{"mail":"","www":""}}