svn co svn:// mkgallery
-- center info window relative to scroll position
- tooltips for info and full image links
-- try to get info from APP12 marker for non-EXIF files
- make Image::Magick optional
- anything else that I forgot
use strict;
use Carp;
-use POSIX qw/getcwd/;
+use POSIX qw/getcwd strftime/;
use CGI qw/:html *table *Tr *center *div/;
use Image::Info qw/image_info dim/;
use Term::ReadLine;
return 0;
+ tryapp12($info) unless ($info->{'ExifVersion'});
$self->{-isimg} = 1;
$self->{-info} = $info;
return 1;
+sub tryapp12 {
+ my $info = shift; # this is not a method
+ my $app12;
+ # dirty hack to take care of Image::Info parser strangeness
+ foreach my $k(keys %$info) {
+ $app12=substr($k,6).$info->{$k} if ($k =~ /^App12-/);
+ }
+ return unless ($app12); # bad luck
+ my $seenfirstline=0;
+ foreach my $ln(split /[\r\n]+/,$app12) {
+ $ln =~ s/[[:^print:]\000]/ /g;
+ unless ($seenfirstline) {
+ $seenfirstline=1;
+ $info->{'Make'}=$ln;
+ next;
+ }
+ my ($k,$v)=split /=/,$ln,2;
+ if ($k eq 'TimeDate') {
+ $info->{'DateTime'} =
+ strftime("%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S", localtime($v))
+ unless ($v < 0);
+ } elsif ($k eq 'Shutter') {
+ $info->{'ExposureTime'} = '1/'.int(1000000/$v+.5);
+ } elsif ($k eq 'Flash') {
+ $info->{'Flash'} = $v?'Flash fired':'Flash did not fire';
+ } elsif ($k eq 'Type') {
+ $info->{'Model'} = $v;
+ } elsif ($k eq 'Version') {
+ $info->{'Software'} = $v;
+ } elsif ($k eq 'Fnumber') {
+ $info->{'FNumber'} = $v;
+ }
+ }
sub initdir {
my $self = shift;
my $fullpath = $self->{-fullpath};