module Main where
-import Control.Applicative
+--import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
-import Control.Exception
+import Data.ByteString.Char8 (pack, unpack)
+import Data.ByteString.Lazy hiding (pack, unpack, putStrLn)
import Data.ConfigFile
import Data.Either.Utils
import Data.List.Split
-import Data.Aeson (decode)
-import Network.JsonRpc.Client
+import Data.Aeson (encode, decode, Value(..))
+import Network.HTTP.Types
+-- does not exist -- import Network.HTTP.Client
+import Network.HTTP.Conduit
+import Data.JsonRpcClient
import NmcJson
confFile = "/etc/namecoin.conf"
data Config = Config { rpcuser :: String
, rpcpassword :: String
, rpchost :: String
- , rpcport :: String
+ , rpcport :: Int
} deriving (Show)
readConfig :: String -> IO Config
return (Config { rpcuser = getSetting cp "rpcuser" ""
, rpcpassword = getSetting cp "rpcpassword" ""
, rpchost = getSetting cp "rpchost" "localhost"
- , rpcport = getSetting cp "rpcport" "8336"
+ , rpcport = getSetting cp "rpcport" 8336
getSetting cp x dfl = case get cp "DEFAULT" x of
Left _ -> dfl
Right x -> x
-uriConf = do
- cfg <- readConfig confFile
- return $ "http://" ++ rpcuser cfg ++ ":" ++ rpcpassword cfg ++
- "@" ++ rpchost cfg ++ ":" ++ rpcport cfg ++ "/"
+-- HTTP/JsonRpc interface
+qReq cf q = applyBasicAuth (pack (rpcuser cf)) (pack (rpcpassword cf))
+ $ def { host = (pack (rpchost cf))
+ , port = (rpcport cf)
+ , method = "PUT"
+ , requestHeaders = [ (hAccept, "application/json")
+ , (hContentType, "application/json")
+ ]
+ , requestBody = RequestBodyLBS $ encode $
+ JsonRpcRequest JsonRpcV1
+ "name_show"
+ [q]
+ (String "pdns-nmc")
+ }
-- NMC interface
queryNmc :: String -> String -> RRType -> String -> IO (Either String NmcDom)
queryNmc uri fqdn qtype qid = do
case reverse (splitOn "." fqdn) of
Just dom -> return $ Right dom
_ ->
return $ Left "Only \".bit\" domain is supported"
-- PowerDNS ABI
data RRType = RRTypeSRV | RRTypeA | RRTypeAAAA | RRTypeCNAME
_ -> Left s
pdnsOut :: String -> Either String PdnsRequest -> IO ()
pdnsOut _ (Left e) = putStrLn ("ERROR\tUnparseable request: " ++ e)
pdnsOut uri (Right rq) = case rq of
PdnsRequestAXFR xfrreq ->
putStrLn ("ERROR\t No support for AXFR " ++ xfrreq)
PdnsRequestPing -> putStrLn "OK"
-- Main entry
main = do
- uri <- uriConf
+ cfg <- readConfig confFile
ver <- do
loopErr e = forever $ do
["HELO", x ] -> loopErr $ "unsupported ABI version " ++ (show x)
_ -> loopErr $ "bad HELO " ++ (show s)
+-- mgr <- newManager conduitManagerSettings
putStrLn $ "OK\tDnsNmc ready to serve, protocol v." ++ (show ver)
- forever $ getLine >>= (pdnsOut uri) . (pdnsParse ver)
+ print $ qReq cfg "samplequery"
+ --forever $ getLine >>= (pdnsOut uri) . (pdnsParse ver)