--- /dev/null
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module NmcJson ( NmcRes(..)
+ , NmcDom
+ ) where
+import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>), empty)
+import Data.Aeson
+data NmcRRService = NmcRRService -- unused
+ { srvName :: String
+ , srvProto :: String
+ , srvW1 :: Int
+ , srvW2 :: Int
+ , srvPort :: Int
+ , srvHost :: [String]
+ } deriving (Show)
+instance FromJSON NmcRRService where
+ parseJSON (Object o) = NmcRRService
+ <$> o .: "name"
+ <*> o .: "proto"
+ <*> o .: "w1"
+ <*> o .: "w2"
+ <*> o .: "port"
+ <*> o .: "host"
+ parseJSON _ = empty
+data NmcRRI2p = NmcRRI2p -- unused
+ { i2pDestination :: String
+ , i2pName :: String
+ , i2pB32 :: String
+ } deriving (Show)
+instance FromJSON NmcRRI2p where
+ parseJSON (Object o) = NmcRRI2p
+ <$> o .: "destination"
+ <*> o .: "name"
+ <*> o .: "b32"
+ parseJSON _ = empty
+data NmcDom = NmcDom { domService :: Maybe [[String]] -- [NmcRRService]
+ , domIp :: Maybe [String]
+ , domIp6 :: Maybe [String]
+ , domTor :: Maybe String
+ , domI2p :: Maybe NmcRRI2p
+ , domFreenet :: Maybe String
+ , domAlias :: Maybe String
+ , domTranslate :: Maybe String
+ , domEmail :: Maybe String
+ , domLoc :: Maybe String
+ , domInfo :: Maybe Value
+ , domNs :: Maybe [String]
+ , domDelegate :: Maybe [String]
+ , domImport :: Maybe [[String]]
+ , domMap :: Maybe (Map String NmcDom)
+ , domFingerprint :: Maybe [String]
+ , domTls :: Maybe (Map String
+ (Map String [[String]]))
+ , domDs :: Maybe [[String]]
+ } deriving (Show)
+instance FromJSON NmcDom where
+ parseJSON (Object o) = NmcDom
+ <$> o .:? "service"
+ <*> o .:? "ip"
+ <*> o .:? "ip6"
+ <*> o .:? "tor"
+ <*> o .:? "i2p"
+ <*> o .:? "freenet"
+ <*> o .:? "alias"
+ <*> o .:? "translate"
+ <*> o .:? "email"
+ <*> o .:? "loc"
+ <*> o .:? "info"
+ <*> o .:? "ns"
+ <*> o .:? "delegate"
+ <*> o .:? "import"
+ <*> o .:? "map"
+ <*> o .:? "fingerprint"
+ <*> o .:? "tls"
+ <*> o .:? "ds"
+ parseJSON _ = empty
+data NmcRes = NmcRes { resName :: String
+ , resValue :: ByteString -- NmcDom
+ , resTxid :: String
+ , resAddress :: String
+ , resExpires_in :: Int
+ } deriving (Show)
+instance FromJSON NmcRes where
+ parseJSON (Object o) = NmcRes
+ <$> o .: "name"
+ <*> o .: "value"
+ <*> o .: "txid"
+ <*> o .: "address"
+ <*> o .: "expires_in"
+ parseJSON _ = empty
+main = do
+ let l = "{\"name\":\"d/dot-bit\",\"value\":\"{\\\"info\\\":{\\\"description\\\":\\\"Dot-BIT Project - Official Website\\\",\\\"registrar\\\":\\\"http://register.dot-bit.org\\\"},\\\"fingerprint\\\":[\\\"30:B0:60:94:32:08:EC:F5:BE:DF:F4:BB:EE:52:90:2C:5D:47:62:46\\\"],\\\"ns\\\":[\\\"ns0.web-sweet-web.net\\\",\\\"ns1.web-sweet-web.net\\\"],\\\"map\\\":{\\\"\\\":{\\\"ns\\\":[\\\"ns0.web-sweet-web.net\\\",\\\"ns1.web-sweet-web.net\\\"]}},\\\"email\\\":\\\"register@dot-bit.org\\\"}\",\"txid\":\"7412603f2e6c3459be56accc6e1f3646b603f3d4a4188119a4072f125c1340d5\",\"address\":\"Mw3KCQcqC44nm75w7r79ZifZbEqT8RetWn\",\"expires_in\":18915}"
+ let r = decode l :: Maybe NmcRes
+ case r of
+ Just resp -> do
+ let value = (resValue resp)
+ let dom = decode value :: Maybe NmcDom
+ print dom
+ Nothing ->
+ print "Unparseable NMC response"
--- /dev/null
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module Main where
+import Control.Applicative
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.ConfigFile
+import Data.Either.Utils
+import Data.List.Split
+import Data.Aeson (decode)
+import Network.JsonRpc.Client
+import NmcJson
+confFile = "/etc/namecoin.conf"
+-- Config file handling
+data Config = Config { rpcuser :: String
+ , rpcpassword :: String
+ , rpchost :: String
+ , rpcport :: String
+ } deriving (Show)
+readConfig :: String -> IO Config
+readConfig f = do
+ cp <- return . forceEither =<< readfile emptyCP f
+ return (Config { rpcuser = getSetting cp "rpcuser" ""
+ , rpcpassword = getSetting cp "rpcpassword" ""
+ , rpchost = getSetting cp "rpchost" "localhost"
+ , rpcport = getSetting cp "rpcport" "8336"
+ })
+ where
+ getSetting cp x dfl = case get cp "DEFAULT" x of
+ Left _ -> dfl
+ Right x -> x
+-- NMC interface
+queryNmc :: String -> String -> RRType -> String -> IO (Either String NmcDom)
+queryNmc uri fqdn qtype qid = do
+ case reverse (splitOn "." fqdn) of
+ "bit":dn:xs -> do
+ ans <- detailledRemote Version1 [] uri "name_show" $ "d/" ++ dn
+ let mdom = decode (resValue ans) :: Maybe NmcDom
+ case mdom of
+ Nothing -> return $ Left ("Unparseable: " ++ (show (resValue ans)))
+ Just dom -> return $ Right dom
+ _ ->
+ return $ Left "Only \".bit\" domain is supported"
+-- PowerDNS ABI
+data RRType = RRTypeSRV | RRTypeA | RRTypeAAAA | RRTypeCNAME
+ | RRTypeDNAME | RRTypeSOA | RRTypeRP | RRTypeLOC
+ | RRTypeNS | RRTypeDS
+ | RRTypeANY | RRTypeError String
+ deriving (Show)
+data PdnsRequest = PdnsRequestQ
+ { qName :: String
+ , qType :: RRType
+ , iD :: String
+ , remoteIpAddress :: String
+ , localIpAddress :: Maybe String
+ , ednsSubnetAddress :: Maybe String
+ }
+ | PdnsRequestAXFR String
+ | PdnsRequestPing
+ deriving (Show)
+pdnsParse ver s =
+ let
+ getQt qt = case qt of
+ "SRV" -> RRTypeSRV
+ "A" -> RRTypeA
+ "AAAA" -> RRTypeAAAA
+ "SOA" -> RRTypeSOA
+ "RP" -> RRTypeRP
+ "LOC" -> RRTypeLOC
+ "NS" -> RRTypeNS
+ "DS" -> RRTypeDS
+ "ANY" -> RRTypeANY
+ _ -> RRTypeError qt
+ getLIp ver xs
+ | ver >= 2 = case xs of
+ x:_ -> Just x
+ _ -> Nothing
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ getRIp ver xs
+ | ver >= 3 = case xs of
+ _:x:_ -> Just x
+ _ -> Nothing
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ in
+ case words s of
+ "PING":[] -> Right PdnsRequestPing
+ "AXFR":x:[] -> Right (PdnsRequestAXFR x)
+ "Q":qn:"IN":qt:id:rip:xs -> Right (PdnsRequestQ
+ { qName = qn
+ , qType = getQt qt
+ , iD = id
+ , remoteIpAddress = rip
+ , localIpAddress = getLIp ver xs
+ , ednsSubnetAddress = getRIp ver xs
+ })
+ _ -> Left s
+pdnsOut :: String -> Either String PdnsRequest -> IO ()
+pdnsOut _ (Left e) = putStrLn ("ERROR\tUnparseable request: " ++ e)
+pdnsOut uri (Right rq) = case rq of
+ PdnsRequestQ qn qt id lip rip eip -> do
+ dom <- queryNmc uri qn qt id
+ case dom of
+ Left e -> putStrLn ("ERROR\tNmc query error: " ++ e)
+ Right result -> print result
+ PdnsRequestAXFR xfrreq ->
+ putStrLn ("ERROR\t No support for AXFR " ++ xfrreq)
+ PdnsRequestPing -> putStrLn "OK"
+-- Main entry
+main = do
+ cfg <- readConfig confFile
+ let uri = "http://" ++ rpcuser cfg ++ ":" ++ rpcpassword cfg ++
+ "@" ++ rpchost cfg ++ ":" ++ rpcport cfg ++ "/"
+ ver <- do
+ let
+ loopErr e = forever $ do
+ putStrLn $ "FAIL\t" ++ e
+ _ <- getLine
+ return ()
+ s <- getLine
+ case words s of
+ ["HELO", "1"] -> return 1
+ ["HELO", "2"] -> return 2
+ ["HELO", "3"] -> return 3
+ ["HELO", x ] -> loopErr $ "unsupported ABI version " ++ (show x)
+ _ -> loopErr $ "bad HELO " ++ (show s)
+ putStrLn $ "OK\tDnsNmc ready to serve, protocol v." ++ (show ver)
+ forever $ getLine >>= (pdnsOut uri) . (pdnsParse ver)