, pdnsParse
, pdnsReport
, pdnsOut
+ , pdnsOutXfr
) where
import NmcDom
data PdnsRequest = PdnsRequestQ
{ qName :: String
, qType :: RRType
- , iD :: String
+ , iD :: Int
, remoteIpAddress :: String
, localIpAddress :: Maybe String
, ednsSubnetAddress :: Maybe String
- | PdnsRequestAXFR String
+ | PdnsRequestAXFR Int
| PdnsRequestPing
deriving (Show)
pdnsParse ver s =
+ getInt s = case reads s :: [(Int, String)] of
+ [(x, _)] -> x
+ _ -> -1
getQt qt = case qt of
"SRV" -> RRTypeSRV
"A" -> RRTypeA
case words s of
"PING":[] -> Right PdnsRequestPing
- "AXFR":x:[] -> Right (PdnsRequestAXFR x)
+ "AXFR":x:[] -> Right (PdnsRequestAXFR (getInt x))
"Q":qn:"IN":qt:id:rip:xs -> Right (PdnsRequestQ
{ qName = qn
, qType = getQt qt
- , iD = id
+ , iD = getInt id
, remoteIpAddress = rip
, localIpAddress = getLIp ver xs
, ednsSubnetAddress = getRIp ver xs
pdnsReport err =
"LOG\tError: " ++ err ++ "\nFAIL\n"
-pdnsOut :: Int -> String -> String -> RRType -> Either String NmcDom -> String
+pdnsOut :: Int -> Int -> String -> RRType -> Either String NmcDom -> String
pdnsOut ver id name rrtype edom = case edom of
Left err -> pdnsReport $ err ++ " in a query for " ++ name
Right dom -> foldr addLine "END\n" $ n2p rrtype
addLine (nm, ty, dt) accum =
"DATA\t" ++ v3ext ++ nm ++ "\tIN\t" ++ ty ++ "\t" ++ ttl ++
- "\t" ++ id ++ "\t" ++ dt ++ "\n" ++ accum
+ "\t" ++ (show id) ++ "\t" ++ dt ++ "\n" ++ accum
v3ext = case ver of
3 -> "0\t1\t"
_ -> ""
takejust rrstr maybestr = case maybestr of
Nothing -> []
Just str -> [(name, rrstr, str)]
+pdnsOutXfr :: Int -> Int -> String -> Either String NmcDom -> String
+pdnsOutXfr ver id name edom = case edom of
+ Left err -> pdnsReport $ err ++ " in a query for " ++ name
+ Right dom -> pdnsReport $ "AXFR unsupported in a query for " ++ name
module Main where
-import Prelude hiding (readFile)
+import Prelude hiding (lookup, readFile)
import System.Environment
import System.IO hiding (readFile)
import System.IO.Error
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L (pack)
import qualified Data.Text as T (pack)
import Data.List.Split
-import Data.Map.Lazy (Map, empty, insert, delete, size)
+import Data.Map.Lazy (Map, empty, lookup, insert, delete, size)
import Data.Aeson (encode, decode, Value(..))
import Network.HTTP.Types
import Data.Conduit
-- HTTP/JsonRpc interface
-qReq :: Config -> String -> String -> Request m
+qReq :: Config -> String -> Int -> Request m
qReq cf q id = applyBasicAuth (C.pack (rpcuser cf)) (C.pack (rpcpassword cf))
$ def { host = (C.pack (rpchost cf))
, port = (rpcport cf)
JsonRpcRequest JsonRpcV1
[L.pack q]
- (String (T.pack id))
+ (String (T.pack (show id)))
, checkStatus = \_ _ _ -> Nothing
mgr <- newManager def
- newcache count name = (insert count name) . (delete (count - 10))
+ newcache count name = (insert count name)
+ . (delete (if count >= 10 then count - 10 else count + 90))
io = liftIO
mainloop = forever $ do
l <- io getLine
case preq of
PdnsRequestQ qname qtype id _ _ _ -> do
io $ queryDom (queryOpNmc cfg mgr id) qname
- >>= putStr . (pdnsOut ver (show count) qname qtype)
+ >>= putStr . (pdnsOut ver count qname qtype)
io $ putStrLn $ "LOG\tRequest number " ++ (show count)
- ++ " id: " ++ id
+ ++ " id: " ++ (show id)
++ " qname: " ++ qname
++ " qtype: " ++ (show qtype)
++ " cache size: " ++ (show (size cache))
- put (count + 1, newcache count qname cache)
- PdnsRequestAXFR xfrreq ->
- io $ putStr $ pdnsReport ("No support for AXFR " ++ xfrreq)
+ put (if count >= 99 then 0 else count + 1,
+ newcache count qname cache)
+ PdnsRequestAXFR xrq ->
+ case lookup xrq cache of
+ Nothing ->
+ io $ putStr $
+ pdnsReport ("AXFR for unknown id: " ++ (show xrq))
+ Just qname ->
+ io $ queryDom (queryOpNmc cfg mgr xrq) qname
+ >>= putStr . (pdnsOutXfr ver count qname)
PdnsRequestPing -> io $ putStrLn "END"
runStateT mainloop (0, empty) >> return ()
mainOne key = do
cfg <- readConfig confFile
mgr <- newManager def
- dom <- queryDom (queryOpNmc cfg mgr "_") key
+ dom <- queryDom (queryOpNmc cfg mgr (-1)) key
putStrLn $ ppShow dom
- putStr $ pdnsOut 1 "_" key RRTypeANY dom
+ putStr $ pdnsOut 1 (-1) key RRTypeANY dom
-- using file backend for testing json domain data
mainFile key = do
dom <- queryDom queryOpFile key
putStrLn $ ppShow dom
- putStr $ pdnsOut 1 "+" key RRTypeANY dom
+ putStr $ pdnsOut 1 (-1) key RRTypeANY dom
-- Entry point