#!/bin/env runhaskell
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
cgiMain :: CGI CGIResult
cgiMain = do
- conn <- liftIO $ connect defaultConnectInfo { connectUser = "watermeter"
- , connectPassword = "xxxxxxxx"
- , connectDatabase = "watermeter"
+ conf <- liftIO $ readConf "/etc/watermeter.db"
+ conn <- liftIO $ connect defaultConnectInfo { connectHost = host conf
+ , connectUser = user conf
+ , connectPassword = pass conf
+ , connectDatabase = dbnm conf
today <- liftIO getClockTime
let tomorrow = addToClockTime (noTimeDiff {tdDay = 1}) today
showjson :: [(Int, Double)] -> String
showjson l = intercalate "," $ map (\(t, c) -> "[" ++ show t ++ "," ++ show (floor c) ++ "]") l
+data Conf = Conf { host :: String
+ , user :: String
+ , pass :: String
+ , dbnm :: String
+ }
+readConf :: String -> IO Conf
+readConf fn =
+ readFile fn >>= return . (foldr parseLine (Conf "" "" "" "")) . lines
+ where
+ parseLine :: String -> Conf -> Conf
+ parseLine l sum =
+ case words l of
+ [k, v] ->
+ case k of
+ "host" -> sum { host = v }
+ "user" -> sum { user = v }
+ "password" -> sum { pass = v }
+ "database" -> sum { dbnm = v }
+ _ -> error $ "bad key in config line \"" ++ l ++ "\""
+ _ -> error $ "bad config line \"" ++ l ++ "\""