--- /dev/null
+Implementation of the protocol "beesure" used by some watch-trackers
+from datetime import datetime, timezone
+from enum import Enum
+from inspect import isclass
+import re
+from struct import error, pack, unpack
+from time import time
+from typing import (
+ Any,
+ Callable,
+ Dict,
+ List,
+ Optional,
+ Tuple,
+ Type,
+ Union,
+__all__ = (
+ "Stream",
+ "class_by_prefix",
+ "inline_response",
+ "parse_message",
+ "probe_buffer",
+ "proto_by_name",
+ "proto_name",
+ "DecodeError",
+ "Respond",
+ "LK",
+### Deframer ###
+MAXBUFFER: int = 65557 # Theoretical max buffer 65536 + 21
+RE = re.compile(b"\[(\w\w)\*(\d{10})\*([0-9a-fA-F]{4})\*")
+def _framestart(buffer: bytes) -> Tuple[int, str, str, int]:
+ """
+ Find the start of the frame in the buffer.
+ If found, return (offset, vendorId, imei, datalen) tuple.
+ If not found, set -1 as the value of `offset`
+ """
+ mo = RE.search(buffer)
+ return (
+ (
+ mo.start(),
+ mo.group(1).decode(),
+ mo.group(2).decode(),
+ int(mo.group(3), 16),
+ )
+ if mo
+ else (-1, "", "", 0)
+ )
+class Stream:
+ def __init__(self) -> None:
+ self.buffer = b""
+ self.imei: Optional[str] = None
+ self.datalen: int = 0
+ @staticmethod
+ def enframe(buffer: bytes, imei: Optional[str] = None) -> bytes:
+ assert imei is not None and len(imei) == 10
+ return f"[LT*{imei:10s}*{len(buffer):04X}*".encode() + buffer + b"]"
+ def recv(self, segment: bytes) -> List[Union[bytes, str]]:
+ """
+ Process next segment of the stream. Return successfully deframed
+ packets as `bytes` and error messages as `str`.
+ """
+ when = time()
+ self.buffer += segment
+ if len(self.buffer) > MAXBUFFER:
+ # We are receiving junk. Let's drop it or we run out of memory.
+ self.buffer = b""
+ return [f"More than {MAXBUFFER} unparseable data, dropping"]
+ msgs: List[Union[bytes, str]] = []
+ while True:
+ if not self.datalen: # we have not seen packet start yet
+ toskip, _, imei, datalen = _framestart(self.buffer)
+ if toskip < 0: # No frames, continue reading
+ break
+ if toskip > 0: # Should not happen, report
+ msgs.append(
+ f"Skipping {toskip} bytes of undecodable data"
+ f' "{self.buffer[:toskip][:64]=!r}"'
+ )
+ self.buffer = self.buffer[toskip:]
+ # From this point, buffer starts with a packet header
+ if self.imei is not None and self.imei != imei:
+ msgs.append(
+ f"Packet's imei {imei} mismatches"
+ f" previous value {self.imei}"
+ )
+ self.imei = imei
+ self.datalen = datalen
+ if len(self.buffer) < self.datalen + 21: # Incomplete packet
+ break
+ # At least one complete packet is present in the buffer
+ if chr(self.buffer[self.datalen + 20]) == "]":
+ msgs.append(self.buffer[: self.datalen + 21])
+ else:
+ msgs.append(
+ f"Packet does not end with ']'"
+ f" at {self.datalen+20}: {self.buffer=!r}"
+ )
+ self.buffer = self.buffer[self.datalen + 21 :]
+ self.datalen = 0
+ return msgs
+ def close(self) -> bytes:
+ ret = self.buffer
+ self.buffer = b""
+ self.imei = None
+ self.datalen = 0
+ return ret
+### Parser/Constructor ###
+class DecodeError(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, e: Exception, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
+ super().__init__(e)
+ for k, v in kwargs.items():
+ setattr(self, k, v)
+def maybe(typ: type) -> Callable[[Any], Any]:
+ return lambda x: None if x is None else typ(x)
+def intx(x: Union[str, int]) -> int:
+ if isinstance(x, str):
+ x = int(x, 0)
+ return x
+def boolx(x: Union[str, bool]) -> bool:
+ if isinstance(x, str):
+ if x.upper() in ("ON", "TRUE", "1"):
+ return True
+ if x.upper() in ("OFF", "FALSE", "0"):
+ return False
+ raise ValueError(str(x) + " could not be parsed as a Boolean")
+ return x
+class MetaPkt(type):
+ """
+ For each class corresponding to a message, automatically create
+ two nested classes `In` and `Out` that also inherit from their
+ "nest". Class attribute `IN_KWARGS` defined in the "nest" is
+ copied to the `In` nested class under the name `KWARGS`, and
+ likewise, `OUT_KWARGS` of the nest class is copied as `KWARGS`
+ to the nested class `Out`. In addition, method `encode` is
+ defined in both classes equal to `in_encode()` and `out_encode()`
+ respectively.
+ """
+ def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any:
+ pass
+ def __setattr__(self, name: str, value: Any) -> None:
+ pass
+ def __new__(
+ cls: Type["MetaPkt"],
+ name: str,
+ bases: Tuple[type, ...],
+ attrs: Dict[str, Any],
+ ) -> "MetaPkt":
+ newcls = super().__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)
+ newcls.In = super().__new__(
+ cls,
+ name + ".In",
+ (newcls,) + bases,
+ {
+ "KWARGS": newcls.IN_KWARGS,
+ "decode": newcls.in_decode,
+ "encode": newcls.in_encode,
+ },
+ )
+ newcls.Out = super().__new__(
+ cls,
+ name + ".Out",
+ (newcls,) + bases,
+ {
+ "KWARGS": newcls.OUT_KWARGS,
+ "decode": newcls.out_decode,
+ "encode": newcls.out_encode,
+ },
+ )
+ return newcls
+class Respond(Enum):
+ NON = 0 # Incoming, no response needed
+ INL = 1 # Birirectional, use `inline_response()`
+ EXT = 2 # Birirectional, use external responder
+class BeeSurePkt(metaclass=MetaPkt):
+ RESPOND = Respond.NON # Do not send anything back by default
+ PROTO: str
+ IN_KWARGS: Tuple[Tuple[str, Callable[[Any], Any], Any], ...] = ()
+ OUT_KWARGS: Tuple[Tuple[str, Callable[[Any], Any], Any], ...] = ()
+ KWARGS: Tuple[Tuple[str, Callable[[Any], Any], Any], ...] = ()
+ In: Type["BeeSurePkt"]
+ Out: Type["BeeSurePkt"]
+ def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any:
+ pass
+ def __setattr__(self, name: str, value: Any) -> None:
+ pass
+ def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any):
+ """
+ Construct the object _either_ from (length, payload),
+ _or_ from the values of individual fields
+ """
+ assert not args or (len(args) == 4 and not kwargs)
+ if args: # guaranteed to be two arguments at this point
+ self.vendor, self.imei, self.datalength, self.payload = args
+ try:
+ self.decode(*self.payload)
+ except error as e:
+ raise DecodeError(e, obj=self)
+ else:
+ for kw, typ, dfl in self.KWARGS:
+ setattr(self, kw, typ(kwargs.pop(kw, dfl)))
+ if kwargs:
+ raise ValueError(
+ self.__class__.__name__ + " stray kwargs " + str(kwargs)
+ )
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ return "{}({})".format(
+ self.__class__.__name__,
+ ", ".join(
+ "{}={}".format(
+ k,
+ 'bytes.fromhex("{}")'.format(v.hex())
+ if isinstance(v, bytes)
+ else v.__repr__(),
+ )
+ for k, v in self.__dict__.items()
+ if not k.startswith("_")
+ ),
+ )
+ def decode(self, *args: str) -> None:
+ ...
+ def in_decode(self, *args: str) -> None:
+ # Overridden in subclasses, otherwise do not decode payload
+ return
+ def out_decode(self, *args: str) -> None:
+ # Overridden in subclasses, otherwise do not decode payload
+ return
+ def encode(self) -> str:
+ ...
+ def in_encode(self) -> str:
+ # Necessary to emulate terminal, which is not implemented
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ self.__class__.__name__ + ".encode() not implemented"
+ )
+ def out_encode(self) -> str:
+ # Overridden in subclasses, otherwise command verb only
+ return self.PROTO
+ @property
+ def packed(self) -> bytes:
+ return self.encode().encode() # first is object's, second str's
+class UNKNOWN(BeeSurePkt):
+class LK(BeeSurePkt):
+ PROTO = "LK"
+ RESPOND = Respond.INL
+ def in_decode(self, *args: str) -> None:
+ numargs = len(args)
+ if numargs > 1:
+ self.step = args[1]
+ if numargs > 2:
+ self.tumbling_number = args[2]
+ if numargs > 3:
+ self.battery_percentage = args[3]
+ def in_encode(self) -> str:
+ return "LK"
+class CONFIG(BeeSurePkt):
+ RESPOND = Respond.INL
+class UD(BeeSurePkt):
+ PROTO = "UD"
+ def in_decode(self, *args: str) -> None:
+ (
+ _,
+ self.date,
+ self.time,
+ self.gps_valid,
+ self.lat,
+ self.nors,
+ self.lon,
+ self.eorw,
+ self.speed,
+ self.direction,
+ self.altitude,
+ self.num_of_sats,
+ self.gsm_strength_percentage,
+ self.battery_percentage,
+ self.pedometer,
+ self.tubmling_times,
+ self.device_status,
+ ) = args[:17]
+ rest_args = args[17:]
+ self.base_stations_number = int(rest_args[0])
+ self.base_stations = rest_args[1 : 4 + 3 * self.base_stations_number]
+ rest_args = rest_args[3 + 3 * self.base_stations_number + 1 :]
+ self.wifi_ap_number = int(rest_args[0])
+ self.wifi_ap = rest_args[1 : self.wifi_ap_number]
+ # rest_args = rest_args[self_wifi_ap_number+1:]
+ self.positioning_accuracy = rest_args[-1]
+class UD2(BeeSurePkt):
+ PROTO = "UD2"
+class TKQ(BeeSurePkt):
+ RESPOND = Respond.INL
+class TKQ2(BeeSurePkt):
+ PROTO = "TKQ2"
+ RESPOND = Respond.INL
+class AL(BeeSurePkt):
+ PROTO = "AL"
+ RESPOND = Respond.INL
+# Build dicts protocol number -> class and class name -> protocol number
+PROTOS = {}
+if True: # just to indent the code, sorry!
+ for cls in [
+ cls
+ for name, cls in globals().items()
+ if isclass(cls)
+ and issubclass(cls, BeeSurePkt)
+ and not name.startswith("_")
+ ]:
+ if hasattr(cls, "PROTO"):
+ CLASSES[cls.PROTO] = cls
+ PROTOS[cls.__name__] = cls.PROTO
+def class_by_prefix(
+ prefix: str,
+) -> Union[Type[BeeSurePkt], List[Tuple[str, str]]]:
+ lst = [
+ (name, proto)
+ for name, proto in PROTOS.items()
+ if name.upper().startswith(prefix.upper())
+ ]
+ if len(lst) != 1:
+ return lst
+ _, proto = lst[0]
+ return CLASSES[proto]
+def proto_name(obj: Union[MetaPkt, BeeSurePkt]) -> str:
+ return PROTO_PREFIX + (
+ obj.__class__.__name__ if isinstance(obj, BeeSurePkt) else obj.__name__
+ )
+def proto_by_name(name: str) -> str:
+ return PROTO_PREFIX + PROTOS.get(name, "UNKNOWN")
+def proto_of_message(packet: bytes) -> str:
+ return PROTO_PREFIX + packet.split(b",")[0].decode()
+def imei_from_packet(packet: bytes) -> Optional[str]:
+ toskip, _, imei, _ = _framestart(packet)
+ if toskip == 0 and imei != "":
+ return imei
+ return None
+def is_goodbye_packet(packet: bytes) -> bool:
+ return False
+def inline_response(packet: bytes) -> Optional[bytes]:
+ proto = packet[20:-1].split(b",")[0].decode()
+ if proto in CLASSES:
+ cls = CLASSES[proto]
+ if cls.RESPOND is Respond.INL:
+ return cls.Out().packed
+ return None
+def probe_buffer(buffer: bytes) -> bool:
+ return bool(RE.search(buffer))
+def parse_message(packet: bytes, is_incoming: bool = True) -> BeeSurePkt:
+ """From a packet (without framing bytes) derive the XXX.In object"""
+ toskip, vendor, imei, datalength = _framestart(packet)
+ payload = packet[20:-1].decode().split(",")
+ proto = payload[0] if len(payload) > 0 else ""
+ if proto not in CLASSES:
+ cause: Union[DecodeError, ValueError, IndexError] = ValueError(
+ f"Proto {proto} is unknown"
+ )
+ else:
+ try:
+ if is_incoming:
+ return CLASSES[proto].In(vendor, imei, datalength, payload)
+ else:
+ return CLASSES[proto].Out(vendor, imei, datalength, payload)
+ except (DecodeError, ValueError, IndexError) as e:
+ cause = e
+ if is_incoming:
+ retobj = UNKNOWN.In(vendor, imei, datalength, payload)
+ else:
+ retobj = UNKNOWN.Out(vendor, imei, datalength, payload)
+ retobj.PROTO = proto # Override class attr with object attr
+ retobj.cause = cause
+ return retobj