import Data.Text (Text, unpack)
import Data.List (union)
import Data.List.Split
-import Data.Vector ((!), length, singleton)
+import Data.Vector ((!), length)
+import qualified Data.Vector as V (singleton)
import Data.Map (Map, unionWith)
+import qualified Data.Map as M (singleton, empty)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H (lookup)
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types
obj .:/ key = case H.lookup key obj of
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just v -> case v of
- String s -> parseJSON $ Array (singleton v)
+ String s -> parseJSON $ Array (V.singleton v)
_ -> parseJSON v
+data IntRRService = IntRRService { isvName :: String
+ , isvProto :: String
+ , isvPrio :: Int
+ , isvWeight :: Int
+ , isvPort :: Int
+ , isvHost :: String
+ } deriving (Show, Eq)
+instance FromJSON IntRRService where
+ parseJSON (Array a) =
+ if length a == 6 then IntRRService
+ <$> parseJSON (a ! 0)
+ <*> parseJSON (a ! 1)
+ <*> parseJSON (a ! 2)
+ <*> parseJSON (a ! 3)
+ <*> parseJSON (a ! 4)
+ <*> parseJSON (a ! 5)
+ else empty
+ parseJSON _ = empty
makeMx :: Object -> Parser (Maybe [String])
-makeMx o = return Nothing -- FIXME
+makeMx o =
case H.lookup "service" o of
Nothing -> pure Nothing
- Just (Array saa) -> return $ Just $ fmap mxStr $ filter mxMatch saa
- where
- mxMatch sa = (sa ! 0) == "smtp" && (sa ! 1) == "tcp" && (sa ! 4) == 25
- mxStr sa = (sa ! 2) ++ "\t" ++ (sa ! 5)
- _ -> empty
+ Just (Array a) -> do
+ isvl <- parseJSON (Array a)
+ return $ Just $ map mxStr $ filter mxMatch isvl
+ where
+ mxMatch isv = isvName isv == "smtp"
+ && isvProto isv == "tcp"
+ && isvPort isv == 25
+ mxStr isv = (show (isvPrio isv)) ++ "\t" ++ (isvHost isv)
+ Just _ -> empty
makeSubmap :: Object -> Parser (Maybe (Map String NmcDom))
-makeSubmap o = o .:? "map" -- FIXME
+makeSubmap o = ((.).(.)) merge merge <$> takeTls o <*> takeSrv o <*> takeMap o
+takeMap :: Object -> Parser (Maybe (Map String NmcDom))
+takeMap o = o .:? "map"
+takeSrv :: Object -> Parser (Maybe (Map String NmcDom))
+takeSrv o =
+ case H.lookup "service" o of
+ Nothing -> pure Nothing
+ Just (Array a) -> do
+ isvl <- parseJSON (Array a)
+ return $ foldr addSrv (Just M.empty) isvl
+ where
+ addSrv isv acc = subm `merge` acc
+ where
+ subm = Just (M.singleton ("_" ++ isvProto isv) sub2)
+ sub2 = def { domSubmap =
+ Just (M.singleton ("_" ++ isvName isv) sub3) }
+ sub3 = def { domSrv = Just [ NmcRRSrv (isvPrio isv)
+ (isvWeight isv)
+ (isvPort isv)
+ (isvHost isv) ] }
+ Just _ -> empty
+-- takeTls is almost, but not quite, entirely unlike takeSrv
+takeTls :: Object -> Parser (Maybe (Map String NmcDom))
+takeTls o = o .:? "map" -- FIXME
class Mergeable a where
merge :: a -> a -> a -- bias towads second arg