-- imported objects are processed recursively until there are none.
mergeImport ::
(String -> IO (Either String ByteString)) -- ^ query operation action
+ -> Int -- ^ recursion counter
-> NmcDom -- ^ base domain
-> IO (Either String NmcDom) -- ^ result with merged import
-mergeImport queryOp base = do
+mergeImport queryOp depth base = do
mbase = mergeSelf base
base' = mbase {domImport = Nothing}
-- print base
- case domImport mbase of
+ if depth <= 0 then return $ Left "Nesting of imports is too deep"
+ else case domImport mbase of
Nothing -> return $ Right base'
Just key -> do
sub <- queryNmcDom queryOp key
case sub of
Left e -> return $ Left e
- Right sub' -> mergeImport queryOp $ sub' `merge` base'
+ Right sub' -> mergeImport queryOp (depth - 1) $ sub' `merge` base'
-- | If there is an element in the map with key "", merge the contents
-- and remove this element. Do this recursively.
case M.lookup "" map' of
Nothing -> base'
Just sub -> (mergeSelf sub) `merge` base'
+ -- recursion depth limited by the size of the record
-- | Presence of some elements require removal of some others
normalizeDom :: NmcDom -> NmcDom
-> NmcDom -- ^ base domain
-> IO (Either String NmcDom) -- ^ fully processed result
descendNmcDom queryOp subdom base = do
- base' <- mergeImport queryOp base
+ base' <- mergeImport queryOp 10 base
case subdom of
[] -> return $ fmap normalizeDom base'
d:ds ->
pdnsOut :: Int -> String -> String -> RRType -> Either String NmcDom -> String
pdnsOut ver id name rrtype edom =
case edom of
- Left err -> pdnsReport err
+ Left err -> pdnsReport $ err ++ " in a query for " ++ name
Right dom -> foldr addLine "END\n" $ nmc2pdns name rrtype dom
addLine (nm, ty, dt) accum =
-{"ip":[""],"alias":"extra2alias","service":[["imap", "tcp", 0, 0, 143, "mail.host.com."]]}
+{"import":"d/extra1","ip":[""],"alias":"extra2alias","service":[["imap", "tcp", 0, 0, 143, "mail.host.com."]]}