<*> o .: "address"
<*> o .: "expires_in"
parseJSON _ = empty
-main = do
- let l = "{\"name\":\"d/dot-bit\",\"value\":\"{\\\"info\\\":{\\\"description\\\":\\\"Dot-BIT Project - Official Website\\\",\\\"registrar\\\":\\\"http://register.dot-bit.org\\\"},\\\"fingerprint\\\":[\\\"30:B0:60:94:32:08:EC:F5:BE:DF:F4:BB:EE:52:90:2C:5D:47:62:46\\\"],\\\"ns\\\":[\\\"ns0.web-sweet-web.net\\\",\\\"ns1.web-sweet-web.net\\\"],\\\"map\\\":{\\\"\\\":{\\\"ns\\\":[\\\"ns0.web-sweet-web.net\\\",\\\"ns1.web-sweet-web.net\\\"]}},\\\"email\\\":\\\"register@dot-bit.org\\\"}\",\"txid\":\"7412603f2e6c3459be56accc6e1f3646b603f3d4a4188119a4072f125c1340d5\",\"address\":\"Mw3KCQcqC44nm75w7r79ZifZbEqT8RetWn\",\"expires_in\":18915}"
- let r = decode l :: Maybe NmcRes
- case r of
- Just resp -> do
- let value = (resValue resp)
- let dom = decode value :: Maybe NmcDom
- print dom
- Nothing ->
- print "Unparseable NMC response"
-module PowerDns where
+module PowerDns ( RRType
+ , PdnsRequest(..)
+ , pdnsParse
+ , pdnsOut
+ ) where
+import NmcJson
data RRType = RRTypeSRV | RRTypeA | RRTypeAAAA | RRTypeCNAME
_ -> Left s
-pdnsOut :: String -> Either String PdnsRequest -> IO ()
-pdnsOut _ (Left e) = putStrLn ("ERROR\tUnparseable request: " ++ e)
-pdnsOut uri (Right rq) = case rq of
- PdnsRequestQ qn qt id lip rip eip -> do
- dom <- queryNmc uri qn qt id
- case dom of
- Left e -> putStrLn ("ERROR\tNmc query error: " ++ e)
- Right result -> print result
- PdnsRequestAXFR xfrreq ->
- putStrLn ("ERROR\t No support for AXFR " ++ xfrreq)
- PdnsRequestPing -> putStrLn "OK"
+pdnsOut :: NmcDom -> String
+pdnsOut d = show d
putStrLn $ "OK\tDnsNmc ready to serve, protocol v." ++ (show ver)
mgr <- newManager def
- print $ qReq cfg "d/nosuchdomain" "query-nmc"
- rsp <- runResourceT $ httpLbs (qReq cfg "d/nosuchdomain" "query-nmc") mgr
- print $ (statusCode . responseStatus) rsp
- putStrLn "===== complete response is:"
- print rsp
- let rbody = responseBody rsp
- putStrLn "===== response body is:"
- print rbody
- let result = parseJsonRpc rbody :: Either JsonRpcError NmcRes
- putStrLn "===== parsed response is:"
- print result
--- print $ parseJsonRpc (responseBody rsp)
- --forever $ getLine >>= (pdnsOut uri) . (pdnsParse ver)
+ forever $ do
+ l <- getLine
+ case pdnsParse ver l of
+ Left e -> putStrLn $ "ERROR\t" ++ e
+ Right preq -> do
+ case preq of
+ PdnsRequestQ qn qt id lip rip eip -> do
+ ncres <- queryNmc mgr cfg (qName preq) (qType preq) (iD preq)
+ case ncres of
+ Left e -> putStrLn $ "ERROR\t" ++ e
+ Right dom -> putStrLn $ pdnsOut dom
+ PdnsRequestAXFR xfrreq ->
+ putStrLn ("ERROR\t No support for AXFR " ++ xfrreq)
+ PdnsRequestPing -> putStrLn "OK"