--- /dev/null
+= Host side of the pulse counter infrastructure. =
+pulsecounter.c is modelled after BlueZ' gatttool. Because of "strange"
+design of BlueZ tools, it is not sufficient to use the library that
+gets installes with it. Complete source installation is necessary.
+So, unpack, configure *and build* BlueZ source (do not `make install`).
+In this directory, run `make BLUEZ=/path/to/top/of/bluez/source`. You
+will get the `pulsecounter` binary.
+Currently (2015-12-21) supplied database adapter uses MySQL(/MariaDB).
+Confiruration file (default path `/etc/pulsecounter.db`) contains lines
+of this format:
+ key SPACE* [=:]* SPACE* value
+Lines are analyzed up to the '#' character (comment separator).
+There is no escaping.
+Keys are:
+ host hostname, NULL if not specified (meaning local database).
+ user database user name, NULL if not specified
+ password database password, NULL if not specified
+ database database name, "watermeter" if not specified.