use Term::ReadLine;
use Getopt::Long;
use Encode;
-use encoding 'utf-8';
+#use encoding 'utf-8';
binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");
my $haveimagick = eval { require Image::Magick; };
my $haverssxml = eval { require XML::RSS; };
{ package XML::RSS; } # to make perl compiler happy
+my $havegeoloc = eval { require Image::ExifTool::Location; };
+{ package Image::ExifTool::Location; } # to make perl compiler happy
my @sizes = (160, 640, 1600);
my $incdir = ".gallery2";
my $self = shift;
my $fullpath = $self->{-fullpath};
return 0 unless ( -f $fullpath );
+ if ($havegeoloc) {
+ my $exif = new Image::ExifTool;
+ $exif->ExtractInfo($fullpath);
+ my ($la,$lo) = $exif->GetLocation();
+ if ($la && $lo) {
+ $self->{-geoloc} = [$la,$lo];
+ }
+ }
my $info = image_info($fullpath);
if (my $error = $info->{error}) {
if (($error !~ "Unrecognized file format") &&
print $IND a({-name=>$name}),"\n",
- start_table({-class=>'slide'}),start_Tr,start_td,"\n",
- div({-class=>'slidetitle'},
+ start_table({-class=>'slide'}),start_Tr,start_td,"\n";
+ print $IND div({-class=>'slidetitle'},
"\n ",a({-href=>".html/$name-info.html",
-title=>'Image Info: '.$name,
- div({-class=>'slideimage'},
- "\n ",a({-href=>".html/$name-static.html",
+ start_div({-class=>'slideimage'});
+ if ($self->{-geoloc}) {
+ my ($la,$lo) = @{$self->{-geoloc}};
+ print $IND a({-href=>"".
+ "?q=$la,$lo&ll=$la,$lo",
+ -title=>"$la,$lo",
+ -class=>'geoloc'},
+ div({-class=>'geoloc'},"G")),"\n";
+ }
+ print $IND a({-href=>".html/$name-static.html",
- -alt=>$title})),"\n"),"\n",
+ -alt=>$title})),"\n",end_div,
foreach my $sz(@sizes) {
my $src=$self->{$sz}->{'url'};