, localIpAddress :: Maybe String
, ednsSubnetAddress :: Maybe String
- | PdnsRequestAXFR Int
+ | PdnsRequestAXFR Int (Maybe String)
| PdnsRequestPing
deriving (Show)
case words s of
"PING":[] -> Right PdnsRequestPing
- "AXFR":x:[] -> Right (PdnsRequestAXFR (getInt x))
+ "AXFR":x:xs ->
+ if ver < 4 then
+ case xs of
+ [] -> Right $ (PdnsRequestAXFR (getInt x)) Nothing
+ _ -> Left $ "Extra arguments in AXFR (v 1-3): " ++ s
+ else
+ case xs of
+ [z] -> Right $ (PdnsRequestAXFR (getInt x)) (Just z)
+ _ -> Left $ "Wrong arguments in AXFR (v 4+): " ++ s
"Q":qn:"IN":qt:id:rip:xs -> case rrType qt of
RRTypeError e ->
Left $ "Unrecognized RR type: " ++ e
++ "\t" ++ ttl ++ "\t" ++ (show id) ++ "\t" ++ x ++ "\n" ++ a)
"" $ dataRR rrtype gen name dom
- v3ext = case ver of
- 3 -> "0\t1\t"
- _ -> ""
+ v3ext = if ver >= 3 then "0\t1\t" else ""
ttl = show 3600
justl accessor _ _ dom = case accessor dom of
["HELO", "1"] -> return 1
["HELO", "2"] -> return 2
["HELO", "3"] -> return 3
+ ["HELO", "4"] -> return 4
["HELO", x ] -> loopErr $ "unsupported ABI version " ++ (show x)
_ -> loopErr $ "bad HELO " ++ (show s)
-- end debug
put $ stow qname (count, cache)
- PdnsRequestAXFR xrq ->
- case fetch xrq cache of
- Nothing ->
- io $ putStr $
- pdnsReport ("AXFR for unknown id: " ++ (show xrq))
+ PdnsRequestAXFR xrq zid -> do
+ {-
+ -- debug
+ io $ putStrLn $ "LOG\tAXFR request id=" ++ (show xrq)
+ ++ ", zone name: " ++ (show zid)
+ -- end debug
+ -}
+ let
+ czone = fetch xrq cache
+ zone = case zid of
+ Nothing -> czone
+ Just qname -> Just qname
+ -- if zid == czone then zid else Nothing -- paranoid
+ case zone of
Just qname ->
io $ queryDom (queryOpNmc cfg mgr xrq) qname
- >>= putStr . (pdnsOutXfr ver count gen qname)
+ >>= putStr . (pdnsOutXfr ver count gen qname)
+ Nothing ->
+ io $ putStr $ pdnsReport $ "AXFR cannot determine zone: "
+ ++ (show xrq) ++ ", " ++ (show zid)
PdnsRequestPing -> io $ putStrLn "END"
runStateT mainloop (0, empty) >> return ()