{ package XML::RSS; } # to make perl compiler happy
my @sizes = (160, 640, 1600);
+my $incdir = ".gallery2";
my $depth=20; # arbitrary max depth
my $fullpath=$self->{-fullpath};
my $inc;
- my $rss;
my $relpath;
if ($incpath) {
- $inc = $incpath."/.gallery2";
+ $inc = $incpath;
+ $inc .= '/' unless ($inc =~ m%/$%);
} else {
- $inc=".gallery2";
- while ( ! -d $fullpath."/".$inc ) {
+ $inc="";
+ while ( ! -d $fullpath."/".$inc."/".$incdir ) {
$inc = "../".$inc;
last unless ($depth-- > 0);
if ($depth > 0) {
- $self->{-inc} = $inc.'/';
+ $self->{-inc} = $inc;
my $dp=0;
my $pos;
for ($pos=index($inc,'/');$pos>=0;
$pos=index($inc,'/',$pos+1)) {
- for ($pos=length($fullpath);$dp-->0 && $pos>0;
- $pos=rindex($fullpath,'/',$pos-1)) {;}
+ for ($pos=length($fullpath);$dp>0 && $pos>0;
+ $pos=rindex($fullpath,'/',$pos-1)) {
+ $dp--;
+ }
my $relpath = substr($fullpath,$pos);
$relpath =~ s%^/%%;
$self->{-relpath} = $relpath;
$self->{-toppath} = substr($fullpath,0,$pos);
+ #print "rel=$relpath, top=$self->{-toppath}, inc=$inc\n";
} else {
$self->{-inc} = 'NO-.INCLUDE-IN-PATH/'; # won't work anyway
sub initrss {
my $self=shift; # this is not a method but we cheat
my $fullpath=$self->{-fullpath};
- my $depth=20;
+ my $inc=$self->{-inc}.$incdir.'/';
+ my $conffile=$inc.'rss.conf';
+ my $CONF;
+ if ($rssfile) {
+ if (open($CONF,">".$conffile)) {
+ print $CONF "file: ",$rssfile,"\n";
+ close($CONF);
+ } else {
+ print STDERR "could not open $conffile: $!\n";
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (open($CONF,$conffile)) {
+ my $ln=<$CONF>;
+ close($CONF);
+ chop $ln;
+ my ($k,$v)=split(':', $ln);
+ $k =~ s/^\s*//;
+ $k =~ s/\s*$//;
+ $v =~ s/^\s*//;
+ $v =~ s/\s*$//;
+ if ($k eq 'file') {
+ $rssfile=$v;
+ }
+ }
+ }
- return;
- return "" unless $rssfile;
+ return unless ($rssfile);
- my $rss=$rssfile;
- while ( ! -f $fullpath."/".$rss ) {
- $rss = "../".$rss;
- last unless ($depth-- > 0);
- }
- if ($depth > 0) {
- $rssobj->{'file'} = $rss;
- $rssobj->{'rss'} = new XML::RSS (version=>2);
- $rssobj->{'rss'}->parsefile($rss);
+ $rssobj->{'file'} = $self->{-toppath}.'/'.$rssfile;
+ $rssobj->{'rss'} = new XML::RSS (version=>'2.0');
+ if ( -f $rssobj->{'file'} ) {
+ $rssobj->{'rss'}->parsefile($rssobj->{'file'});
my $itemstodel = @{$rssobj->{'rss'}->{'items'}} - 15;
while ($itemstodel-- > 0) {
- return $rss;
} else {
- print STDERR "There is no $rssfile in this or parent ".
- "directories, you must create one with mkgalrss.pl\n";
- exit 1;
+ my $link="";
+ for (my $pos=index($rssfile,'/');$pos>=0;
+ $pos=index($rssfile,'/',$pos+1)) {
+ $link = '../'.$link;
+ }
+ $rssobj->{'rss'}->channel(
+ title=>'Gallery',
+ link=>$link,
+ description=>'Gallery Feed',
+ #language=>$language,
+ #rating=>$rating,
+ #copyright=>$copyright,
+ #pubDate=>$pubDate,
+ #lastBuildDate=>$lastBuild,
+ #docs=>$docs,
+ #managingEditor=>$editor,
+ #webMaster=>$webMaster
+ );
+ $rssobj->{'rss'}->save($rssobj->{'file'});
+ $self->{-rss} = $rssobj->{'rss'};
sub iterate {
my $dn = $self->{-parent}->{-fullpath};
my $pref = $self->{-previmg}->{-base};
my $nref = $self->{-nextimg}->{-base};
- my $inc = $self->{-inc};
+ my $inc = $self->{-inc}.$incdir.'/';
my $title = $self->{-info}->{'Comment'};
$title = $name unless ($title);
binmode($IND, ":utf8");
$self->{-IND} = $IND;
- my $inc = $self->{-inc};
+ my $inc = $self->{-inc}.$incdir.'/';
my $title = $self->{-title};
my $rsslink="";
if ($self->{-rss}) {
print $IND end_div;
my $EVL;
- if (open($EVL,$self->{-inc}.'footer.pl')) {
+ if (open($EVL,$self->{-inc}.$incdir.'/footer.pl')) {
my $prm;
while (<$EVL>) {
$prm .= $_;
- my $rsslink=$rssobj->{'rss'}->channel('link')."index.html";
+ my $rsslink=$rssobj->{'rss'}->channel('link').
+ $self->{-relpath}."/index.html";
title => $self->{-title},
link => $rsslink,
+++ /dev/null
-# $Id$
-# Build initial (empty) RSS file for mkgallery.pl
-# Copyright (c) 2007 Eugene G. Crosser
-# This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
-# warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
-# arising from the use of this software.
-# Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
-# including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
-# freely, subject to the following restrictions:
-# 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
-# claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
-# in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
-# appreciated but is not required.
-# 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
-# misrepresented as being the original software.
-# 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
-use strict;
-use Carp;
-use Term::ReadLine;
-use XML::RSS;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Encode;
-use encoding 'utf-8';
-binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");
-my $debug = 0;
-my $rssfile = "";
-unless (GetOptions(
- 'help'=>\&help,
- 'rssfile=s'=>\$rssfile,
- 'debug'=>\$debug)) {
- &help;
-sub help {
- print STDERR <<__END__;
-usage: $0 [options]
- --help: print help message and exit
- --debug: print a lot of debugging info to stdout as you run
- --rssfile=...: name of the rss file to create
- exit 1;
-unless ($rssfile) {
- print STDERR "you must specify --rssfile\n";
- exit 1;
-my $term = new Term::ReadLine "Edit RSS Attribute";
-my $rssobj = new XML::RSS (version=>'2.0');
-die "could not build new RSS object" unless ($rssobj);
-my $OUT = $term->OUT || \*STDOUT;
-print $OUT "Enter attributes for this gallery RSS feed\n";
-my $title = $term->readline('Feed title >','');
-$term->addhistory($title) if ($title);
-my $link = $term->readline('Gallery root URL >','');
-$term->addhistory($link) if ($link);
-my $desc = $term->readline('Gallery description >','');
-$term->addhistory($desc) if ($desc);
-$link .= '/' unless ($link =~ m%/$%);
- title=>$title,
- link=>$link,
- description=>$desc,
- #language=>$language,
- #rating=>$rating,
- #copyright=>$copyright,
- #pubDate=>$pubDate,
- #lastBuildDate=>$lastBuild,
- #docs=>$docs,
- #managingEditor=>$editor,
- #webMaster=>$webMaster
- );