&& srvPort sr == 25
then Just [(show (srvPrio sr)) ++ "\t" ++ (srvHost sr)]
else Nothing
--- | replace Tls with Tlsa down in the Map
--- This function is almost, but not quite, entirely unlike expandSrv.
-expandTls :: NmcDom -> NmcDom
-expandTls base =
- let
- base' = base { domTls = Nothing }
- in
- case domTls base of
- Nothing -> base'
- Just sl -> foldr addTlsa base' sl
- where
- addTlsa sr acc = sub1 `mergeNmcDom` acc
- where
- sub1 = def { domMap = Just (singleton proto sub2) }
- sub2 = def { domMap = Just (singleton port sub3) }
- sub3 = def { domTlsa = Just [tlsStr] }
- proto = "_" ++ (tlsProto sr)
- port = "_" ++ (tlsName sr)
- tlsStr = (show (tlsPrio sr)) ++ "\t"
- ++ (show (tlsWeight sr)) ++ " "
- ++ (show (tlsPort sr)) ++ " "
- ++ (tlsHost sr)
-- | Convert map elements of the form "subN...sub2.sub1.dom.bit"
-- into nested map and merge it